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(Tae makes him lie down comfortably on the bed and calls the doctor. Jin sits beside him and takes his hand in hers. After some time the doctor comes and sees the kook. Tae does not come to the room and waits outside the room. The doctor checks the cook and says)

Doctor:- Don't worry. He is absolutely fine. He has simply become unconscious due to shock. I will give some medicine, you give it to him.

rm:- I am going to medicine. You come with me, doctor. (Said and both of them leave from there. Jin sits near Kook. After some time, RM comes with medicine and sees that Tae was still outside the room)

rm:- bear.... why didn't you go inside? hey why are you crying? Nothing happened to our kook?

taehyung:- no dad. All this happened because of me? Neither would I have picked up that call nor would all this have happened with Kook? It's my fault that I went out. Because of me today kook became unconscious and I could not do anything. (said and starts crying. rm pulls him into his arms and hugs him who was still crying)

rm:- shu shu... nothing has happened because of you. Stop blaming yourself and kook nothing happened, understand. Now stop crying and come inside. (said and hugs broke)

taehyung:- no dad. (Sniff) I will not come in. He got hurt because of me. that that that..... (Sniff)

rm:- Quiet, very quiet. Just do it son. I said, stop blaming yourself. If you say this again then no one will be worse than me, understand. Now come inside with me.

taehyung:- no dad. (Sniff) You go, I'll come later. (sniff) (Said and RM nodded his head and goes into the room.)

jin:- where is the bear?

rm:- He is outside the room.

jin:- What is he doing outside (asked and rm tells him everything) What should I do with this boy?

Jungkook:- hmmm...

jin:- Yes son, we are here. kook son we are right here. (said and kook opens his eyes and tries to sit up. jin helps him to sit) baby are you okay?

Jungkook:- Yes mom. I am fine. I'm thirsty. (said and rm gives him water. kook drinks water and gives the glass to rm) mom dad where is hyungie?

rm:- He is outside the room.

Jungkook:- What are they doing outside? Please call hyung inside.

rm:- I call. tae bear come in. (Said and Tae very slowly comes inside the room. Tae's eyes were red and swollen from crying. His face had turned red.)

jin:- bear look bun is calling you and what were you doing outside?

rm:- ohh yeah yeah baby I have some work with you. you come with me. (said and walks away taking her with him and closes the door. kook looks at him and said)

Jungkook:- hyung come to me. (but tae shakes his head) please hyung. (said and tae walks towards him slowly and stands near him. (Kook holds his hand and makes him sit beside him. Tae's eyes were still down, he was not daring to make eye contact with Kook. kook goes closer to him and takes his face in his hands and said)

jungkook:- hyung why are you crying? (Said and wipes his tears) Tell me why are you crying? (asked and tae hugs him so that kook's back touches the bedhead. kook caressing his back and tae crying on his chest)

taehyung:- forgive me. You got into this condition (sniff) because of me. Forgive me kook. (Sniff)

Jungkook:- shu shu hyung. What are you saying? I am absolutely fine. You stop beating yourself up. There is no fault of yours in this. Please don't say that.

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