Chapter 39

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Rio drew in a long, steadying breath, his mind racing through the possibilities. Since his arrival, he'd been acutely aware of the limited options for escape. The facility was a fortress, accessible only to Haydon and his loyalists. The mysterious marine vehicle that had transported them here remained an enigma, adding to the impossibility of evasion.

Batho, though crucial to Haydon's treatment, seemed like a fragile lifeline. Rio pondered the depth of Haydon's resources and capabilities. Could Haydon not replace Batho if needed? The answer seemed evident in the opulence and sophistication of the facility.

With a sinking feeling, Rio realized that his only chance lay in leveraging Batho's importance. But even that was a precarious gamble. Haydon's power and influence appeared boundless, suggesting he could procure another Batho, regardless of the obstacles.

Rio's thoughts churned, his eyes flickering between Batho and Haydon. He knew he had to act, but the path forward was shrouded in uncertainty.

"Let's talk this out," Haydon gestured for Hyllos to come forward. "I will have my dinner here with Mr. Rio."

Rio frowned at the sudden suggestion.

"You probably feel more at ease with the child next to you, your leverage," Haydon explained with a smile. "And I do have some offers that you can consider. I am changing my mind about killing you. I will give you a chance to ask all the questions you have in mind."

Haydon's unexpected offer caught Rio off guard. He glanced at Batho, reassured by the boy's presence, then turned his attention back to Haydon.

"Alright," Rio agreed cautiously, "let's talk."

In a flurry of activity, Hyllos and his team transformed the sterile environment into a scene of opulence. Dressed in impeccable suits, they moved with purpose and precision, setting the stage for an unexpected dining experience. Rio watched, intrigued by the contrast between the formal attire and the unusual setting.

The table was adorned with a dazzling array of dishes, each exquisitely prepared and presented. Steaming bowls of fragrant soup sat beside plates piled high with succulent roasted meats, glistening with rich sauces. Colorful vegetables, cooked to perfection, added a vibrant contrast to the meal.

As Rio sat down, he couldn't help but admire the culinary skills of Haydon's team. The aroma wafting from the dishes was tantalizing, and his stomach growled in anticipation. It was a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere, the juxtaposition of fine dining against the backdrop of a secretive, high-tech facility adding an air of intrigue to the meal.

As the red wine swirled in the glass, its deep crimson hue danced in the flickering candlelight, exuding an aroma of rich berries and oak. Rio took a sip and was pleasantly surprised by its complexity and smoothness, despite his lack of expertise in wines. It helped to calm his nerves, adding a touch of luxury to the tense atmosphere.

"Please, help yourself," said Haydon, his voice casual despite the gravity of their situation, "I need these steaks to replenish the blood that I coughed out."

Rio, feeling the pang of hunger, eagerly dug into his meal, savoring the perfectly cooked steak and the exquisite wine. He knew that this dinner was not just about food; it was a prelude to the offers Haydon had promised.

After Rio had filled his stomach, he stopped eating and waited for Haydon, who elegantly cut his steak and brought small pieces to his mouth. Haydon seemed unfazed by Rio's watchful gaze, continuing to dine with calm composure.

Rio watched as Haydon took what seemed like an eternity to finish his steak. Finally, Haydon lifted his head to meet Rio's gaze. "Are you eager to hear what I have to offer?" he asked.

Armageddon 2309 (The W-files)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz