Hogwarts Express

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A few weeks went by as Amora apparated with her father. They arrived at King Cross station as Remus was walking with Amora to platform 9 and ¾. "You have all your thing little wolf." Amora nodded, "Yes dad. I have all my stuff. No need to worry." Remus bent down to her level with a smile and said, "You look just like your mother at her age." Amora smiled as the bell whistled for the Hogwarts express. "Alright off you go darling." Amora kissed her father on the cheek and headed onto the train. She found an empty compartment, so she took her seat grabbing her notebook and started to draw. Then there was a sound of a door opening as she looked up. "Hi, am I bothering you. I just need a seat." Amora shook her head and motioned for him to seat. "I'm Neville Longbottom. Who are you?" Amora smiled and said, "Amora Lupin."

Then another set of footsteps came in as both Neville and Amora looked toward the door. "Hello, I'm Hermione Granger. Mind if I sit with you?" Amora shook her head and said, "Please. I'm Amora Lupin. This is my new friend Neville Longbottom." The three talked for a little while when Neville started to panic making Amora confused. "Neville are you alright?" Neville shook his head and said, "I've lost Trevor my toad." Amora grabbed his shoulders and said, "No need to worry Neville. We'll find him." Neville smiled as the three of them went around the train. Amora went to a compartment with Hermione and Hermione said, "Have any of you seen a toad?" Amora then spoke up and said, "My friend a boy named Neville lost him."

Amora then looked at Ron and said, "Ron, you're not going to use that stupid spell George and Fred." Hermione then smiled. "A spell let's see then." Amora shook her head as Ron said, "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow." Amora shook her head and said, "It was never going to work Ron." Hermione sat down and said, "Here's an actual spell. Oculus Reparo." Amora seemed proud of her new friend showing Ron an actual spell. "Holy cricket, You're Harry Potter. I'm Hermione Granger and this is Amora Lupin. And you are?" Amora then spoke and said, "This is Ron Weasley a family friend of the Lupin family."

Hermione nodded and said, "You two better get your robes on. I expect will be arriving soon." Both girls headed to keep looking for Trevor but unfortunately couldn't find him and so they both went to go put their dress robes on. 


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