Open Spot in Fatal 4 Way

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In the 4 months that Diego was "suspended" he helped with the house and helped Aaliyah since she is getting closer to her due date.

They agreed that they would have a small wedding at a church in San Diego with Diego's best friend Daniel McMahon being the best man, and Aaliyah choosing her best friend as the maid of honor.

Meanwhile, in the WWE, Nick Aldis is the new gm of Smackdown and appointed a fatal 4 way match at Survivor Series for the United States Title, the champion, Rey Mysterio, after beating Austin Theory on an episode of Smackdown. Carlito, who wanted a friendly challenge for the United States Title, and Santos Escobar, who had betrayed Rey and the LWO.

This match would be an elimination match at Survivor Series.

Survivor Series Wargames
Chicago, Illinois

Samantha: Introducing first, Santos Escobar!!!!

Santos is ready to take his first title in the WWE and cement his legacy

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Santos is ready to take his first title in the WWE and cement his legacy.

Samantha: Next, Caribbean Cool, Carlito!!!

Carlito angry at Santos for betraying the LWO and the WWE Universe

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Carlito angry at Santos for betraying the LWO and the WWE Universe.

Samantha: And the United States Champion, WWE Hall of Famer, Rey Mysterio!!!!

Samantha: And the United States Champion, WWE Hall of Famer, Rey Mysterio!!!!

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The champion is nervous for what is happening in the event. Now, it is time to reveal the mystery opponent.

Samantha: Finally, from El Paso, Texas, Sinestro Guerrero!!!!

Everybody is shocked, Sinestro had returned from his suspension and took off his gold jacket when he got into the ring

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Everybody is shocked, Sinestro had returned from his suspension and took off his gold jacket when he got into the ring.

The four men looks at each other and then Sinestro had jumped Carlito and Santos had jumped Rey.

(Skip to Elimination #1)

Sinestro was fighting with Rey and rammed his back into the barricade, meanwhile in the ring, Santos has Carlito in a tree of woe. Santos then went to dropkick Carlito but he got out of the way, so Santos collided his nuts with the ring post.

Carlito pulled Santos away from the post, but suddenly, he gets grabbed by Sinestro and gets hit with the Curse Breaker. Sinestro goes for the cover.


Samantha: Carlito has been eliminated!!!!

Everybody boo'd Sinestro, and then Santos attacks Sinestro trying to get a quick elimination, but it doesn't work.

(Skip to Elimination #2)

Sinestro is on the outside trying to recover from multiple chair shots from Santos, and he is currently punishing Rey in a Camel Clutch, but he gets the ropes making a rope break.

Santos wouldn't let go, but what he didn't know was that Sinestro got on to the apron and did a sunset flip and rolls up Santos.



Samantha: Santos Escobar has been eliminated!!!!

Everyone is confused and thought that they would team up on Rey, but then Humberto and Angel come out and starts attacking Sinestro.

That was until Rey starts fighting against Humberto and Angel, and Sinestro starts teaming with Rey making Sinestro turn face.

Then, after officials got the unwanted men out of the arena and the two men left in the ring shakes hands and goes in circles on who is going to make the first move.

After another 3 minutes, Sinestro is in positive for the 619 from Rey but he catches his uncle's legs and dragged him in, and catches Rey with a knee. Then, he goes onto the top rope and connects with the Shooting Star Press.

He doesn't go for a pin as he goes to the corner in order to size Rey up for a jumping clothesline. But Rey ducks it and then tried to recover, however Sinestro does his finisher, the Curse Breaker. By then, Sinestro pins Rey.



Samantha: Here is your winner, and NEW United States Champion! Sinestro Guerrero!!!!

Sinestro gets his first championship in the WWE and is looking for more.

As we end this book here are more highlights from the career of Sinestro Guerrero.

1x World Champion
10x Intercontinental Champion
4x United States Champion
7x Tag Team Champion (4 w/ Rey Mysterio, 2 w/ Dragon Lee, 1 w/ Bron Breakker)
2026 Royal Rumble Winner
Wrestlemania 42, 44, 45 Main Eventer

Meanwhile in his personal life, after his loving wedding, Diego's son is born and Aaliyah named him Eddy after his father, and for the middle name, Oscar for Aaliyah's father.

Eddy Oscar Guerrero.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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