Ch. 1 Amusement Park

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My name is Hilton Scott and I am a boy, and I'm at an amusement park with my friend Ethan. He dragged me here because the past few days I have been very depressed because my boyfriend broke up with me. We were both bi and he left me for a girl. 

"Come on Hilton lets go on a ride." Ethan says

"Ethan I don't wanna do anything. This is boring."

"Come on bro" 

He grabs my sleeve and we go into the line for a roller coaster.

"A roller coaster always cheers you up!"

He does know what cheers me up

"Thanks man!" 

We  finally get into the roller coaster and we have a blast. And after that we go on a few more rides.

"This has been the best day of my life! Thanks Ethan!"

"Hilton, You know I don't like to see you all sad and down. I'd do anything to help you get through anything. You're my best friend."

"I know that! I'd do anything to help you too. Like that one time in fifth grad-"

"Don't talk about that!"

I laugh as he covers my mouth.

"Lets go play some games Hilton."

"Okay lets play the water squirting game. Ya know! With the clowns. I wanna win myself a pokemon!"

We both laugh and we go to the game

"That'll be three dollars please." The girl who is at the game

The girl is so pretty. The whole time I was looking at her I completely forgot about everything around me. My ex,Ethan,the guy with the big cart. Wait? What? I get hit by a guy with a bunch of boxes that fell off the cart. They were filled with prizes so i didn't get hurt to bad except I fell to the ground when the guy hit me. 

"Hey sorry kid" The guy says and he gives me a stuffed animal and walks away

"Wow. Getting hit by stuff must be fun if you get a stuffed animal" The girl says and giggles

"Yeah. But it's not worth it" 

OMG i just talked to her. I blush.

"Here. You can have it" I give the girl the stuffed animal

"Aww thanks your sweet" She smiles

"Hilton, are we gonna play or not?"

"Oh yeah"

Me and Ethan hand her the three dollars to play the game. 

"I'm going to kick your but Ethan"

"Haha in your dreams"

The girl says go and we spray the target and mine was the first to explode!

"Haha yeah! I won!"

The girl smiles.

"What prize would you like?"

Gosh there are so many good pokemon to choose from. Squirtle, Turtwig, Charmander, Piplup, Cyndaquil, and Pikachu.

"Can I have the turtwig?"

"Yeah!" the girl smiles and gives me the pokemon.

Me and Ethan go get food and sit down.

"Hilton? What did you think of the girl at the gaming booth?"

"Oh.. uh.. well.. why do you ask?"

"Because I saw the way you were looking at her."

I blush a little

"Dude you should go talk to her!"

"Well what if she dosen't like me back?"

"She will don't worry"

I get up from the table and i go back to the game booth

*Hope you guys liked the 1st chapter of my story! Please if you could take the time and vote for the chapters that'd be amazing!!*

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