the meeting

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One day, Miura Ayme was walking into a car dealership because he hasn't driven a car in years, and he wanted to get a new one because yes, and he really likes buggatis. While he was walking around the car dealership, this guy came up to him, and was like "oh hey do you want a Bugatti do you want a car?????" and he said "sure"

Then the guy was showing him the bugattis, and Miura Ayme was like "holy shit these are so cool", and the guy was like "oh yeah do you want to see this big cool purple one", and Miura Ayme was like "oh yeah let's see that", and then when they found it it turned out to be yellow because of the car dealership guy was actually color blind!!!

And, when Miura Ayme saw the yellow Bugatti, he instantly knew that he wanted that Bugatti, he wanted that Bugatti, so he could have it. So, he asked the car dealership guy if he could have it and the car dealership guy was like "hell yeah I wanted to get rid of it cuz nobody likes the color and it was very ugly and I hate it. " muira Ayme said "ok, how much money", and the car deeLership guy said " 13324357654543 yen" miura Ayme gave him the money and left.

Muira atme x Bugatti x asmodesWhere stories live. Discover now