Episode 3 - The Kraken

Start from the beginning

Gigantosauros: Gigantosauros!

Hop: Why not Jellitrcity?

Gigantosauros: And electrify the lake? Are you insane!?

(Gigantosauros looks up towards the monstrous silhouette lurching above him. A tendril from the figure shoots out at him, grabbing and launching him across the lake. Victor pops back out of the water and looks around him for the monster. As he does, something latches onto him and drags him under. While underwater, Victor gets a look at the monster's giant eye. Victor gasps and manages to break free of the tendrils to get back to the surface and reverts back to normal. Hop had quickly recovered and climbed out of the lake to get Gloria and Leon, who ran over, with Hop, to Victor. Hop places a warm towel on Victor's shoulders.)

Gloria: Did that thing hurt you?

Victor: No... but it scared the living daylights out of me.

Hop: Lee... Was that?

Leon: I don't know. Get some sleep. Remember, we have an early day tomorrow for our fishing trip.


(Victor, Hop, Gloria, and Leon walk along the coast, Leon with a fishing rod in hand. Hop comes across a bucket of wriggling worms. He shoves a handful of worms up to Victor's face.)

Victor: (He chuckles) Hop!

Hop: Haha! I got a laugh out of Mister Grumpy!

Victor: I'm not grumpy... just keeping a watchful eye.

Gloria: What even is that?

Leon: Bait.

Gloria: Yeah - Well, I think I'm gonna pass on the fishing thing, I'll stay here and catch some sun instead!

Leon: That's up to you... (Turns to greet the man in the boat beside them.) Captain Shaw?

Shaw: Who wants to know?

Leon: I'm Leon Lavington. This is my little brother, Hop, and his boyfriend, Victor. (Victor and Hop wave) we chartered your boat today for a fishing trip.

Shaw: Well, what're you waiting for, an engraved invitation? Get aboard, I ain't got all day.

(Victor excitedly moves to get on the boat, though Hop and Leon seem concerned. The ship sets off, down the lake.)


(The ship sails slowly)

Leon: Anything interesting out there to catch today?

Shaw: More than you can imagine... (Seeing Ben, with his head over the end of the boat) looks like your partner's using his breakfast as chum.

Hop: Vic? Are you feeling okay?

Victor: Yeah, I'm just keeping an eye out for the lake monster. That thing's not taking me by surprise this time! (Sees a monstrous silhouette in the water and gasps) There it is! (The silhouette becomes clear as it passes, revealing just a collection of brambles and rubbish.) Oh, my bad.

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