Prologue (very short)

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2 January 2030

The citizens of Korea were just going about their daily activities, the new year just got done but people are still out in the streets still shopping for whatever they want

Unfortunately... Things took a turn for the worst...

A sudden bright flash appeared out of nowhere, it was like a big flash bang, people didn't mind it though, until... People realized everything was gone... No cell service... No satellite TV..
And no internet

People panicked and mass hysteria would happen all over Korea

Although strangely enough landlines weren't disconnected, although... Many of Korea's allies were uncontactable, even if they had a landline connection they couldn't contact the Japanese, Americans even the Filipinos can't be contracted


Office of the President of Korea

President Kim Jo was the North Korean General who staged the successful coup against Kim Jong Un, he won the 2027 election and is the incumbent President of United Korea

"Is everyone alright?" President Kim Jo asked his cabinet

"Anyone know what happened?" Prime Minister Kai Ho asked

"Sir, all i know is we have been blinded by a bright light!" The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Jeong Bok replied to both

"Sir, we lost contact with the United States, Japan, the Philippines and other foreign nations" A Korean General panicked

"Damn it, get me the top scientists and find out what the hell is going on" President Kim Jo ordered Secretary Ryu Pyol

"On it Mr. President" Secretary Ryu Pyol replied as he ran to the nearest telephone

"Uhm sir, our border with China is gone and we lost all cotact with the American military stationed in our country, they just somewhat dissapeared, only thing left are their Tanks, aircraft, vehicles and ships" The Secretary of Defense Joseph Kang said

"Send out all our long range patrol and reconnaissance planes, dont let them stop unless we find a single piece of land" President Kim Jo ordered

"Yes sir" the Secretary of Defense nods and walks away

"Sir, mass riots have started all around the country"

"I want every military and police unit mobilized to quell the riots"

"Yes sir!"

President Kim Jo walks outside to take a small drag of his cigar and looks up to the sky, as he looks up to the sky, he sees two moons

The secretary of foreign affairs Secretary Hana Cho walks to the president

"Is there something wrong, Mr. President?" Secretary Hana Cho asked the president

"Secretary Cho, is it just me or i see two moons?" President Kim Jo asked Secretary Hana Cho

"Pardon Mr. President?" Secretary Hana Cho asked, confused

"Look up to the sky"

Secretary Hana Cho squints and looks up to the sky, noticing what the president saw.

"Yes... There are two moons..." She says, her eyes widening as she realized the severity of the situation.

"Isn't earth supposed to have one moon?" President Kim Jo

"Sir, i think i might have a theory" Secretary Hana Cho said

"Go on Secretary Cho."

"Sir, in Shamanism, they predicted that there is another world besides that of the living, i think we might have been transported to another world" Secretary Hana Cho stated

"What makes you say that, Secretary Cho?" President Kim Jo asked

"Well sir, proof to that is the disappearance of American Military Personnel, the disappearance of our border with China and the second moon that we are now observing." Secretary Hana Cho added

"That's quite an interesting theory Secretary Cho" President Kim Jo smiled

"Sir, may i have permission to board the ROKS Hongdo and make contact with possible nations?"

"Granted, Ms. Cho"

"Thank you, Mr. President. I promise you we will find a nation"

"I hope you will succeed in your mission, Secretary Cho."

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