Chapter 15:I take a morning run in the rain

Start from the beginning

Me,Kade,and Amelia turned to her confused but we were all thinking the same thing, did she really just find the sword? I thought.

"What is it mom?" Kade asked.

"So I was just doing my daily morning walk and while I walking I came across a familiar looking object, which I recognized as soon has I picked it up, Alaric you probably remember this don't you?." She said.

She held her hand out to me and revealed a bracelet, it looked made out of gold in what looked like a circle of flames and in the middle of the top of the bracelet the letter "VNW" were carved into it.This was the bracelet my dad gave my mom when he proposed, last time I saw it was the night my mom died.Kade's mom handed into me and placed into my hand.

"Victoria Nash Whiteshadow." I muttered while looking at the three letters on the bracelet.

I held back tears from seeing my Mom's bracelet after all these years.

"H-How did you find this? I thought it was destroyed or lost forever after the night she tied." I said.

"I was walking past the old Whiteshadow house you used to live in and it was there along the driveway." She replied.

My old home was this close the whole time?

"How far is it?" I asked.

"Just a little bit up the road, why do you ask?" She said to me.

"No reason." I said, standing up taking the bracelet with me jogging to the room I stayed in.

I went into the room and started packing my things instantly, Amelia must have realized what my idea was because she followed to the room.

"Alaric, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Going." I replied.

"To where?"

"My old house, what do you think"

"Alaric, what is going on in your head, you can't go there now." She says.

"Oh yeah? Why can't I?" I asked.

"Because the Terror Storm is probably still on our trail Alaric, Terror Storms don't give up, they hunt you till they kill you." She said."Madison and Matthew are probably trying to trap you Alaric-."

"I don't give a damn if it's a trap!"

"Alaric listen to yourself! You're literally signing yourself up to be possibly killed!"

"I don't give a shit Amelia! And who would even care if I did get killed-" I yelled.

"Me Alaric! I would care!" She yelled back.

Her eyes filled with tears, which made me feel up with it guilt

"Amelia I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." I said.

"Alaric please just- You're not thinking straight." She said.

"I know, but I don't care."

"I can't talk you out of this, can I?"

"Yeah you can't." I said, walking out of the room.

"Alaric what are you-" Kade started.

I ran out the door into the ran before I could answer, I heard Amelia and Kade cry out my name has I ran up the road.Memories that I had forgotten about years ago started to come back to me like speeding train, I remembered the time I was playing with my Thomas the train set in my room but then my father came in and said he needed to show me something.He took me outside and handed me a pocket knife.He started giving me instructions like a general to soldiers.

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