Chapter 2 - Thunderbolts on Your Shoulders

Start from the beginning

For some weird reason, Vincent started to question his last sentence, and he even had to question that action of his also. Wasn't that what he has always told himself, that settling down was the last thing he would do on his list, if he even wanted to settle down at all? Wasn't cooking and running a world-renowned restaurant his only lifelong goal? Didn't he go on an entirely different paths from his peers just for this day? Why would he change it, especially now when he had basically achieved his life purpose?

"Wh-'petty romance'?" Rody seemed pretty hurt by his comment. "Who is this all for if it isn't for someone else, what's even the point if you don't have a wife or kids to share it with?"

Oh my god, you're a hopeless romantic, Vincent thought as he pinched his nose. "Isn't it enough to have it for myself?"

"Yeesh... Suit yourself."

Vincent almost wanted to let out a little huff at it. It was quite amusing seeing Rody scoff at him for the difference between their belief. Rody probably was thinking Vincent was a cold, boring and selfish rich man who just wanted all his wealth to himself, and that thought almost made him chuckle. Oh, to be a little dreamer such as Rody himself, thinking that all there was to life was to work a regular minimum wage job, find a house, find a woman, fall in love with her, marry her, have kids, have grandkids and grow old with the aforementioned job.

Although it was respectable, Vincent just could not see himself having such lifestyle. The idea had never appealed to him. Why settle for something so normal, so... planned for everyone? Growing up, that was all he ever heard of-your ultimate goal in life was to find a job that could support your wife and your five kids, and rinse and repeat your days until you were old enough to see your kids and grandkids did the exact same thing, but Vincent had another goal in mind. Why stopped at that? Why not went a step further and make a name for yourself in the industry, let alone one that wasn't so sought after? Why chained yourself down to a marriage and parenthood when what you wanted went beyond that, when they just simply didn't align with your life goal? Everyone laughed at him for being "the odd child" until his face and his restaurant's name started popping up on mainstream media, and that made them shut their mouth real fast. Who was the one laughing now? Vincent, that was who. He would never forget that satisfying feeling, and there wasn't possibly anything that would make him change his mind n-

"Oh, by the way Vince-" Rody spoke again and Vincent almost flinched. Goodness, that nickname sounded god awful coming from him. Who addressed their boss so casually like that? Moreover, why had Vincent not fired him for that alone? He hated it, but also it wasn't complete dislike, and he couldn't pin-point what else was there.


"Can you give me a raise?"

Vincent just could not hold it in anymore and let out a laugh with a shit-eating grin. "Pfft-Hah!"

"So... Is that a no or...?" Rody rubbed his chin, the hopeful look in his eyes fading away slowly.

"Oh, right-Yeah, that's a no, you're not getting a raise." Asking for a raise so soon, what was this guy thinking? Plus, his service hadn't been that impressive either. It was fine, but nothing so outstanding, and that was Vincent being extra generous. He almost wanted to believe he was joking from how hilarious it was.

Rody let out a groan before Vincent asked a question out of pure curiosity. "Why do you need one anyways?"

"Well it's for a girl-Her name is Manon. I should have enough by the end of the week but just a bit more could be ample for something really special."

Manon... Manon... Where had Vincent heard that name-

Oh right, that girl. Marieanne Vacher, daughter of the two food critics that would visit his restaurant from time to time, which was how they knew each other, which led him to go on a date which he merely agreed to because she was so insistent on it. But... that couldn't be. While Vincent wasn't at all interested in her, not in the same way she was with him, he couldn't bring himself to call her a liar, at least not without any proof. Plus, from his personal experience, she clearly seemed like she was looking for a rebound, further solidifying that she at least had just gotten out of a relationship. Unless Rody had been going on and on about a different Manon, what was going on?

"What's her last name?"

"Uh-Why do ya ask?"

Fuck, Vincent cursed under his breath. That was just supposed to be a thought, but somehow with Vincent's strange behavior lately, he could not control his words as well as he had always managed to. As much as Vincent would love to investigate further into this, there was just no time. Right now, he needed to say something to save his ass. Something the Vincent Charbonneau would logically say.

"Just want to confirm. That name sounds familiar, perhaps she was a regular at the restaurant."

Rody seemed suspicious judging by the look on his eyes, but as Vincent had hoped, the guy was gullible and bought it eventually. "Vacher. Manon Vacher."

Vincent tightened his grip on his sleeves while still maintaining his usual posture with his arms crossed. For the first time in a long while, he hoped he was wrong, but in the end, he turned out to be right. No doubt they were thinking of the same Manon. What was the odd of them both having met two completely different Manon Vacher? Almost zero. But if that possibility was out of the window, then what was the explanation for this? Why was Rody talking as if she was still his, as if he still had someone to fight for?

"So? And am I getting a raise or not?"

Rody's voice brought him back to the current situation at hand. Act natural, Vincent. Act natural, he practically begged himself.

"No, to both questions. You make tips. Do good at your job and you'll do good enough for whatever pet project you have outside of it." That was what Vincent managed to muster up while still tangled in his confusion and struggling to keep up his usual professional, no-nonsense attitude of his at the same time.

Rody made a pouty face. "Booooo..."

"Why do you need this much money anyways? Is she that excessive with cash?" Vincent couldn't resist the temptation to dig a little deeper. Because... there was just no way. There had to be a somewhat logical explanation to why he was working this hard for someone that wasn't even his anymore. Rody might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he could not be going this low.

"Of course not!"-Rody stopped himself, seemingly rethinking what he wanted to say before continuing-"Well, I mean a little, yeah. But she's not prissy or anything. And she's worth it! Every cent of it, she's worth all of it. And when I can show her just how much she means to me, this'll all be worth it..."

All Vincent could do is to stare at Rody in disbelief. Was this all to it? He couldn't accept the reality that his girlfriend broke up with him, so he was running around looking for jobs to win her back? Such dedication, for someone who didn't even share the same feelings?

Vincent is no stranger to delusional, obsessive people who tried to hold onto every thread of hope they could, thinking they could convince their former partners to get back with them. Yet, something in him just could not believe he was hearing this from Rody, and he didn't even know why. This absolutely seemed like the shit Rody would do with his stupid, stupid little head. Vincent's expectations for him could not go any deeper, they were six feet down the ground already. And no, he would not let anyone get the chance to say that he felt sad or sorry for Rody. This fool was not worth a single ounce of his attention, a single minute of worry and a single shred of thought from him, yet why...

Was this what love did to you? Wasn't it supposed to be something magical and wonderful, not a destructive weapon?

Why... Vincent tried to contemplate on this entire situation. Why would you go this far for someone who doesn't even want to be with you?

"What?" Rody's voice broke Vincent out of his trance. He must've noticed him spacing out, which... Vincent wasn't even sure what it was all about. Just like how Vincent was under no obligation to hire this fool, who turned out to be pathetically in love, he also didn't need to care for him, what his thought process was and what he wanted to do with his life. Sure, he did think it was complete tomfoolery, but there was no need to get so worked up like... whatever that train of thought was.

"Nothing," Vincent replied, trying to keep it short so as not to let any of those weird emotions slip into his tone.

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