𝐯. Delivery @jemvia

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&. Style chosen: Style IV, SIMPLE

 Style chosen: Style IV, SIMPLE

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──── I am unhealthy obsessed with the floral pattern at the side wtf

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──── I am unhealthy obsessed with the floral pattern at the side wtf. Anyways, I'm in love with how these turned out (prob my best simple order yet??) & although it ended up being kind of a mix of blue and your requested brown I hope you still like it ^^ It was kind of hard to make it entirely brown as Ruan Mei's character design has a lot of blue in it 😞 Thank you for shopping at Delicate!

Please answer the questions above to claim & send me a message/request at: instagram ( @comebackkanao ) or discord ( @sabified. )

How Did It End ♰ Gfx ShopDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora