The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 852

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Chapter 852"It's already finished?"Raon blinked as he looked at Merlin in the cat's body."You said it would take about two weeks..."Merlin said it would take about two weeks to wake Sia, but preparations were completed much sooner than that.It's not that I don't trust her skills, but I was a little worried..."Yes, I'm done!"Merlin nodded, stretching his back as if stretching."Are you really okay?"Raon bent his knees and made eye contact with Merlin.'There shouldn't be any problems with Sia...'Rimmer is dead, and it wouldn't be surprising if Aris didn't make a comeback...If a problem were to arise not only in the Gwangpungdae and the annex but also in Sieghart itself while Sia was in a dark state, even Sylvia and Glenn could fall, so we had to prepare as thoroughly as possible."Yes, the preparation is perfect..."Merlin said there was no need to worry and gently wrapped his long tail around his ankle."The reason I finished it so quickly is not a big deal. I stayed up all night."She pressed her front paws to the ground, saying that she had continued to tune the magic formula since returning to Sieghardt."...You stayed up all night for over a week?""Yes, everyone is depressed. I want to make something a little bit happy."Merlin laughed, saying that it was his first time doing something that could help others."ah····"-You can trust it... As I said before, that madwoman's magical talent is no less than your swordsmanship...Lars shook his face above the bracelet up and down.-However, that crazy woman is also changing... I tried to relieve the gloomy mood, something the crazy woman before meeting you would never have done...The guy said it was a strange thing and laughed.-But this is human... Each one influences the other...Lars whetted his appetite, saying it was the first time in a long time that he had seen the good side of humans.'I thought the same thing...'She worked magic all night to relieve Sieghart of his gloomy mood, but all he could do now was to trust her..."Thank you, Merlin..."Raon bowed his head to Merlin with his hands folded in front of him."Thank you! There's no need to talk like that between us! "You are not a stranger..."Merlin shouted that it was okay and waved his front paws."It's too early now, so let's start tonight."She stretched out her legs, saying it would be best to wake Sia when everyone else was around."Then now...""Yes, I came to tell you!"Merlin grinned, saying that he wanted to be the first to tell you."···thanks·"Raon lowered his gaze and said thank you. Merlin told him not to say it, but all he could think of was those words."no way! "I said I don't need it!"Merlin waved his paw, saying it was okay."Then I'll sleep a little, so I don't want to make a mistake later."She gave a long yawn, saying that she should close her eyes and replenish her stamina."You can come to Gajujeon around 7 p.m.""okay·"I nodded, remembering the time."And this kid...""uh?"Raon looked at Merlin and widened his eyes."Oh, do I have a favor for you today as well?""Of course... All the children who signed a contract with me must do my favor..."Merlin nodded, saying that he was listening to the requests of all the animals who lent their bodies."This kid wants to get some grooming done. I guess he's jealous of dogs because he asks for it even though cats can do it."She said her best wishes and jumped up into her arms."Then I'll ask for a baby seal cut. Boom!"When Merlin put down his paw, her soul disappeared and the cat's eyes began to sparkle blue.Nya...The cat got down on the ground and raised its head as if to say,"Seal cut..."Raon looked around at the cat and swallowed dry saliva."The fur is too short to be a seal..."Nyaaaang!The cat scratched its front paws vigorously as if telling it to do something.-Bo, the king doesn't know!Lars went into the bracelet as if he didn't feel like getting tangled up in this matter..."ah····"Raon's hair has turned white for the first time in a long time...* * *Raon went to Sylvia's room at the appointed·I knocked with the back of my hand and called Sylvia."Mother, it's time to leave.""okay····"Unlike answering right away, Sylvia did not come out of the room for a long time."mother?"Thinking it was strange, I opened the door and went in, and saw Sylvia sitting on the floor with her hands folded."Boo, I'm anxious..."Sylvia said she couldn't move her legs very well and her dry lips trembled to the point where vertical lines were visible.The Grand Master seemed so nervous that his heart would jump out like that..."I'll help you."Raon sighed briefly and grabbed Sylvia's arm and placed it on her shoulder."Sorry····""No, I completely understand."I met my daughter who I thought was dead again, and she was about to wake up after almost falling asleep for the rest of her life, so it was natural for me to be so nervous.Coooooo!As I went down to the entrance to help Sylvia, I heard the sound of someone falling down the stairs.When I looked down, I saw Edgar with his head on the floor and his legs shaking."I'm sorry... I was nervous..."Edgar laughed awkwardly, saying that he was nervous and lost his footing."Hey, my arm isn't moving very well, so I need some support...""Just figure it out..."Raon ignored Edgar extending his hand and went down the stairs."That's too much! I have to raise my son... Well, I didn't raise him..."Edgar told a joke to lighten the heavy and tense atmosphere."Oh, anyway..."Sylvia must have relaxed a little from Edgar's prank, so she relaxed her stiff arms and legs and stood on her own."Is this discrimination between men and women? No, discrimination between mothers and fathers?""····"Raon narrowed his eyes as he watched Edgar slowly crawling down the stairs.'It looks similar...'When I saw Edgar gently lighten the mood even though he was just as nervous as everyone else, Rimmer's face naturally came to mind.Although Edgar was much more talkative and Rimmer was lighter, the two men had a certain resemblance.'It would have been nice if the two of them had been together a little longer...'Rimmer and Edgar could have become good friends, but it was a pity that we didn't get to see that."···Let's go·"Raon clicked his tongue briefly, opened the front door, and went out.I rode a carriage prepared in advance and headed to the main building. I received a polite greeting from the prosecutors guarding Gajujeon and entered the throne room located in the innermost part of Gajujeon.The red carpet that was always visible, probably prepared in advance, had disappeared, and the neat marble floor was engraved with several layers of teratological patterns."You're here..."Glenn nodded as if it had been a while... His complexion seemed more at ease than before... Now he seemed to have accepted Rimmer's death."Meet the matriarch...""done·"When Raon, Sylvia, and Edgar were about to say hello, Glenn waved his hand as if he didn't need them."Everyone looks very nervous!"Pedric looked at Sia in the bed and smiled..."My sister's condition...""How is Sia?"When Raon was about to ask about Sia, Sylvia rushed in first."It's the best. I worked my old body so hard, it can only be good!"Pedric waved his hand, saying that Sia was in good condition and telling her not to worry."Ha, thank you"Sylvia let out a long breath as she held Sia's hand, and Edgar held her shoulder from the side.'But...'Raon narrowed his eyes as he looked at Karun standing on the pillar below the platform.'Why did that person come?'There was a lot of tension because Karun thought there was no reason to come here.The denier is questionable, but I couldn't say that Karun wasn't a Sejak at all..."Did Jungmu Jeonju come too?"Raon walked next to Karun and bowed his head."Nothing to think strange... I just wanted to see this child as he will become a new member of Sieghardt...""···okay·"Karun answered Sieghart like a crazy person and calmly folded his arms... I guess there was no need to worry..."oh! "Everyone is here!"A sonorous voice rang out in the air, and Merlin suddenly jumped out."Then, without waiting, I will start right away."Merlin said that preparations were complete and snapped his fingers. The mana spread around the head of the house began to gather into her grasp."wait for a sec!"Sylvia grabbed Merlin's wrist and shook her head."Si, what happens when Sia wakes up?"Her lips trembled as if she didn't know how to deal with Sia when she woke up."Just think about when you broke up with the lady... Your body will probably move naturally..."Merlin held Sylvia's hand with kind eyes and stood in front of the magic circle."Then please bring your sister here.""···okay·"Sylvia and Edgar picked Sia up with trembling hands and placed her on the magic circle.The two people put their hands together next to the magic circle so that they could move at any time."Then let me begin..."When Merlin took out the soul stone from his arms, the multi-layered magic circles drawn on the floor naturally emerged as if they had come to life and began to wrap around Sia.Wooooow!The soul stone and dozens of magic circles resonated, and an emerald glow that seemed to capture the sea was sprinkled throughout Gajujeon."Rearrangement of Yeongryeong·"As Merlin chanted outside, the magic circles that were rotating dizzyingly like a kaleidoscope connected to one side, and the soul stone floating in the air melted with blue light and seeped into Sia.Paaaaaaaa!A flower of brilliant brilliance, like the trail of a magnificent star circling the galaxy, bloomed and sank at Sia's bedside.Huuuuk·Sia came down to the marble floor with a slowly fading magic circle."Umm...""Sia!""····"Edgar, Sylvia, and Glenn looked at Sia with nervous eyes as if they were about to burst.Gajujeon became so quiet that everyone could not hear their breathing."What happened?"Raon could not stand it anymore and spoke to Merlin who lowered his hand."Whoa..."Merlin let out a heavy breath and slowly lifted his eyelids."It was successful. You will wake up soon."She nodded with blurry eyes that seemed as if they would soon disappear."ah····"Merlin tried to laugh but fell backwards as if he lost all his strength."are you okay?"Raon moved urgently and caught Merlin who was about to fall."Don't worry, I just relaxed a little."Merlin said it was no problem and waved his hand. Looking at the condition, it seemed like he had used magic too much."Merlin, you..."It was when Raon was trying to tell Merlin to take care of himself."Umm..."A faint moan escaped Sia's mouth, and she slowly lifted her eyelids.Red eyes that resemble Sylvia captured the world for the first time in 20 years."ah····"Sia slowly turned her gaze and quivered her lips when she saw Sylvia and Edgar on her right."mom? dad?"She stretched out her trembling hands towards Sylvia and Edgar with the voice and tone of a child."Sia!"Sylvia and Edgar couldn't hold back their tears and ran to Sia and hugged her tightly, as if they would never let her go again."Aaaah!"Sia also cried like a child and hugged Sylvia and Edgar."···at las·"Glenn seemed to be so moved that he covered his forehead and eyes with his trembling hands and took a long, deep breath."You have the spirit of a child in an adult's body."Merlin lifted his head slightly and smiled weakly."I thought it would be difficult in many ways to return to my original age, so I used the soul stone to adjust the magic so that my mind could grow to match my body."She waved her hand, saying it wouldn't be long until Sia's spirit grew."And while I was the King of Green, I erased all the evil deeds I had been brainwashed to do... I thought it would be good for you to live a bright life..."Merlin looked at Sia with somewhat bitter eyes. It seemed like he was remembering his own events."thanks·""It's okay to say thank you! "I just..."She said that there was no need to say those words and then closed her eyes. It seemed like she had exhausted all her mental strength and fainted.-Hmph!Ras turned his head, unable to look at Sia and Sylvia.-Su, it's sad... But it turned out well!The guy just sniffed and rolled his eyes as if he was eating pasta."····"Raon looked at Sia, Sylvia, and Edgar's hands, which seemed to never be broken, and then lowered his eyes.One person goes, one person returns...If there is a meeting, there is also a parting. I felt like I learned a little more about what the life of the person Rimmer had told me about was like.'You are teaching me until the end...'Raon looked out the window full of stars and wiped away the tears from her eyes.Even though I was indoors, it felt like the person's clean wind was blowing...'Thank you, Master...'* * *After the time of tears, joy, and sadness is over..."okay·"Glenn rested his back on the throne and looked down at Karun below the platform."What do you have to say?"He tilted his chin with a slightly brighter complexion thanks to Sia."I have a suggestion..."Karun bowed, saying it was a public matter."If you think that I will allow everything just because of today, you are mistaken."Glenn shook his head heavily, telling him not to take advantage of the current situation."I don't think so.""Then tell me..."He waved his hand with a resolute look in his eyes."Raon Sieghart and the Gwangpungdae..."Karun paid no heed to Glenn's warning and raised his serene gaze."Please upgrade to Gwangpungjeon"

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