Hugo's Proposal

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I smiled as I blushed and Knelt down and said Sofia the past few weeks have been amazing and dating you is a dream come true so with all these witnesses and from the bottom of my heart will you be my wife? I smiled as she nodded and said, "Of

handsome prince." I smiled as Sofia smiled and said so dad about the party can you have Amber and Hildegard help me? I frowned and said, "Why Hildegard?" Sofia shifted and looked at me and said she's good at planning gowns and tiaras that sort of thing. I blushed and said oh shifted, uncomfortably not knowing how to feel about seeing my ex."" I frowned as Sofia said, "Is something wrong? I frowned and said it's nothing. I frowned and looked away. I blushed as Axel growled and said Hugo don't lie she deserves to know, don't start your relationship with lies. I sighed and took a deep breath in and turned to face Sofia and said I really wish you wouldn't Involve Hildegard in our relationship more than she already has been. Sofia frowned and said, "What do you mean? I sighed and looked down at my feet before I took Sofia by the hand and sang (up top). I sighed as Sofia had a look of realization that turned to concern as I shifted and said I was originally before we met planning to date her but when I found out that she was cheating on me with Desmond I broke it off and we met the same day.

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