the day of your arrival

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(Note: I'm going to alter the original story a little and I'm going to push it back so that way I can explain the arrival of mint)

It was a sunny day and Ava was just sitting in her room. She thought it would be nice to read a book of some sorts cuz the likelihood of something happening today was 0%.

So she grabbed a book and started reading upon finishing the book Ava noticed a little glow on the book that kind of read mint. And upon reading it in her mind the book flew open and out came a particular man it was mint himself.

He was a character that could be described to have wings on the top of his head almost resembling horns, ears on the side of his head which were pointy and he had legs that kind of resemble a cat except those legs were kind of more muscular looking ,and he had whiskers underneath his eyes where his eyes where Pitch Black around the whole Iris.

Now it wasn't every day that your favorite character comes out of your favorite book.
Is what Ava thought but she also knew that this character was kind of dangerous with his sharp claws all on his hands and feet, his Venom that particularly comes out when his tongue is out she also knew it was usually out of Defense.

Ava decided to take him in even get him familiarized with the world she even celebrated his birthday and everything and he did the same thing as well.

Ava's dad's even put mint into the military despite how he looked everyone still accepted him heck he was even a good candidate in the military as well because of his skills in killing.

Now since the whole world knew about it no person in particular could come to hate this guy.

{Setting changed}

It was quite the pleasant day after mint doing all of his military work and education it was time for him to come back home.

since he was on his way back on a plane it was kind of slow but he got home to the apartment that Ava lives in.

he noticed something was different he then started smelling the area not recognizing the scent that was in that particular area.

So he rushed in only to see the strangers that looks like they were cosplaying.

And that is when mint noticed Ava throw a pan at them and she ran but she got caught by Pierce as he was holding her down I looked at the light blue horned character in particular.

I tilted my head like I didn't understand anything that was going on. Let alone I knew that someone would not just walk into our house because people on this Earth have respect for me for all of the things I did.

Rhys POV:

It was like observing a humanoid lifting spirit he thought it was fascinating to see something that didn't really belong on Eu-rth

Let alone something that was this well known on Earth he had known about their species but he never knew they existed they usually only exist only after being summoned out of a book.

Rhys thought to himself 'this is certainly interesting in particular I can already sense magic coming out of this creature. Even more than the humans maybe I should tell lady Grandma about this later'
Is what he thought to himself.

No one's POV

Leif and the others were now looking at mint they noticed that his facial expressions weren't kind of really predictable. making him a threat so Asch ordered leif to try and kill the threat although it could have worked mint acted swiftly moving out of the way.
using his wings that are equipped on his head like horns and head-butting leif like some ramming bull.

my inner demons X mint Where stories live. Discover now