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those are the kind of family that she has. one that eliminates evil in the world. she grew up treating guns, swords, and bombs as one of her own family.

the world is a dangerous place, there is no denying that. she was used to hide inside the dark forest she calls home that she yearned to explore the outside world, even though she knew how dangerous it would be.


"[y/n]! time to go training!"

you were pulled out of your thought as you heard the voice of your friend, Clara. she profusely knocks at your bedroom door making you roll your eyes and smile.

you stand up from your position and walk towards one of your drawers all pulling out a few weapons.

"ah! there you are!"

she slumped her arm on your shoulder as you shut your bedroom door, pushing you towards the hall that soon leads outdoor.

"well, aren't you an excited one."

you exclaimed while looking at her joyful face that soon turns into shock making a question mark comically appears beside your head.

"dont tell me you forgot?!?!" she shouts while grabbing your shoulder back and forth frantically making you dizzy.

"alright calm down" you pulled yourself away from her while clutching your shoulder. she went to ramble on about something that you couldn't really understand as you zone out.

"[y/n] ?! are you even listening?!"

covering up your ears from her loud voice, you wince at the pain. you were saved from her scolding when a figure appeared from your peripheral.


you shouted making the said man turn around and looks at both you and Clara. he smiles while he jogs towards the two of you. by now, you completely ignored Clara who was now a rambling mess, completely scolding you abouy why you suddenly called her long-time crush with a red face.

"hey, [y/n], Clara."

Luis said as he nears the two of you. giving out a greeting, you look at your friend who was now super red as a tomato. she gives out a stuttered 'hello' in which Luis chuckled making her even more redder. is that even possible? you laugh at her state.

"you guys gon' train?"

he asked while you nod your head. Luis requested if he could join the two of you and you quickly agreed. soon, the three of you walked through the training ground. it was a very large area in the middle of the forest, training dummies were present along with small huts nearby with medics present in case something happens.

there were already a few people in the area, training their skills in guns, bows, swords and many more. you were surprised to see Clara confidently talk towards her crush and you cant help but send her teasing looks in which she return with a glare. you decided that you should leave the two alone and work on their own. Luis was too busy talking to the girl that he didn't even notice you walking away.

you continued to walk into a far more secluded area of the training ground, one where only higher ups can enter. you settled down your weapons and started to train, not noticing a pair of eyes watching your every move.


a/n : i dont know what im writing but lets jus go with the flow

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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