Honami - Pie

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Come gather round and each take a slice
Don't you wanna fill your appetite
I wanted to feel shame ever since that night when I realized
I also crave that slice

Good afternoon, I know it's a little early
I didn't really have anything specific I wanted to say, but
With this and that, I'm starving
But with you, none of that matters
Together we'll indulge in my cravings, okay?

With each slice, I feel something missing
All I wanted to do was satisfy this
I need something to use a filling
Hey, love me please

We bleed into each other
This hunger is such a bother
I just want to get lost in a melody
I just wanna run away from this pain

Either way
Come gather round and each take a slice
We'll just take a bit from each other
"I'm too full" was what I should've said
Can I be free

Come gather round and each take a slice
Don't you wanna fill your appetite
I wanted to feel shame ever since that night when I realized
I also crave a slice

Sorry for bothering you again
It's time for us to eat again
I keep smiling and enduring, despite all this torture.
Why won't you be satisfied?
Please stop hurting me

Three meals a day, everyday
I'll have a second helping, okay?
I just want to get lost in your melody
A little bit is never enough

Well either way
Come gather round and each take a slice
Taking so much pieces
I can't stand you telling me "no!"
Will things ever change?

Come gather round and let me take a slice
I've held back for so long, you know
Let's see if it can save me this time
Until that night

There's no piece left of the pie
"Don't you wanna fill your appetite?"
I wanna feel shame, just like I did on that night when I realized
I'm selfish, aren't I?

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