Chapter 1

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Narrator's POV

We see Aang and friends at the western Air temple being cared for by the nuns that lived there when Combustion man attacked the temple looking for Aang who had been thrown into the open by an explosion from Combustion man's well combustion bending

Combustion man saw Aang out in the open and smirked before taking aim and launching an explosion at him "Aang NOOO" Katara yelled and before the explosion could reach Aang a hooded figure appeared out of nowhere in front of Aang and bent an earth shield around both of them which managed to stop the explosion the hooded figure then lept out from behind the shield and threw off his cloak revealing a tall man with an athletic build and from his amber coloured eyes people knew he was of fire nation descent but they could've sworn they saw the man earth bend but they didn't have time to think about that right now as they were still under attack then the man did something that would shock everyone and change their lives forever

The man stood there in the open and closed his eyes as if he were focusing on something and when he opened them again they glowed white and the Gaang recognised the glow as the glow of the avatar state but that was impossible Aang was the avatar so who was this man they all wondered the man then used earth bending to launch himself high into the air and launched an impressively large blast of white fire at combustion man hitting him dead centre sending the man flying away from the temple

The man then used air bending the slowly and safely make his way back to everyone "I can see by the looks on everyone's faces that you all have questions but please allow me to explain" the man said as he earth bent himself a stool to sit on before explaining his origin story to everyone and needless to say they were all shocked and yet they all seemed to understand "so your the brother of my first life and you were given the same abilities as the Avatar aswell as all knowledge of the elements and immortality just so that no matter what the world would always have a protector for when the Avatar died or was training to master the four elements?" Aang asked the man who nodded before he spoke

"That's right little brother I'm Lee and I'm the guardian Avatar a precaution put in place by Ravva the spirit that makes the Avatar the Avatar to protect the world when something happened to the regular Avatar" the man now known as Lee told Aang "I can tell you just about anything about the past Avatars because I was there every day" this made Aang happy because he finally had an opportunity to get real information about the past Avatars without having to meditate to ask their spirits

"What was Roku like?" Zuko asked wanting to know more about his maternal great grandfather "well prince Zuko Avatar Roku was good friends with your paternal great grandfather Sozin they had been friends for years before Roku was announced as the Avatar and the head piece he wore as you probably know is supposed to be worn by the crown prince but Sozin gave it to Roku after he told him that the fire sages said he wouldn't need any worldly possessions as the Avatar" Lee said while smiling remembering Roku fondly

"Yeah I knew that" Zuko said as Lee spoke up again "he struggled most with waterbending but he mastered it after immersing himself in water tribe culture he was an incredibly talented firebender one of the best I've seen in my long life also he loved his wife tahmin very much he had a crush on her since he was a teenager and when he completed his Avatar training he pursued her persistently until she agreed to go out with him and then Sozin was the best man at his wedding but I remember before Sozin hungered for power the three of us would train together in the hot sun and we would laugh together and when he died it was because Sozin left him to die so he could go forward with his barbaric scheme if expanding the fire nation no offence prince Zuko OH I should also probably mention that I trained both Roku and Sozin to firebend" Lee said making Zuko happy because now if he wanted to know anything about Roku he could ask Lee

Lee then looked over at Toph and spoke up "you know I've heard of you before blind bandit I've even watched you fight a few times you are a very talented young eartbender young lady" Lee said making Toph smirk confidently "too right I am grandpa I'm the greatest earth bender ever" Toph said matter of factly making Lee chuckle "you miss Beifong remind me of Wan he too was as cocky as you are" Lee said as he remembered his brother fondly and smiled warmly

Time skip

It had been a few hours since the attack and the revelation of this second immortal Avatar and now everyone was helping to clean up the debris left over from the attack

"So Lee you know everything about the elements and the four bending styles right?" Katara asked him curiously "yeah that's right I know everything there is to know why?" He asked equally as curious "wanna spar with me and Aang sometime it would give us a challenge since we've basically memorised everything we could throw at each other" Katara said as Lee just nodded in agreement and yawned "well it's getting late we should all go to sleep we have stuff to do tomorrow but first Aang follow me I wanna show you something" Lee said making Aang follow him

Lee and Aang went to Lee's room where he pulled out a small portrait of him with his arm around another young looking guy "that's me and you Aang when you were Avatar Wan" Lee said as Aang ran his hand over the picture "wow this is great so this is really what I looked like back then?" Aang asked and Lee nodded in response and replied with a simple "mmhmm" before telling Aang to go fet some rest as it was late so Aang nodded and left to his own room for the night

As Lee lay in bed that night staring half at the ceiling and half at the picture of him and Wan he showed Aang he said "good to see you again big brother I missed you" he said before yawning and letting sleep takeover his body completely

Ok everyone that's chapter one of my OC ATLA story what did you all think?? Did you enjoy it if you did don't forget to like comment and vote and I'll post the next chapter as soon as I can

Bye now

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