Chapter 13- Hope you'll love me again someday...

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Fickelgruber kneels down to open his suitcase. Inside are six bundles of bank notes. He lifts one and shows it to Willy..

Fickelgruber- This is the precise amount you owe Scrubitt.

Fickelgruber hands slugworth several more bundles of notes.

Fickelgruber -This is for the number-cruncher, the plumber, the telephonist, the so-called funny-man...

Prodnose- By which he means not funny.

Fickelgruber - Yes. And this is for the girl.

He gives slugworth 2 bundles far bigger than the others.

Slugworth- We've put in a bit extra for those sisters.. So she can get a place to live. Clothes. Toys. Books.

That word, books, it reminded him of her...

Slugworth- You could change her life, Mr Wonka, change all their lives.

Willy- What would I have to do?

Slugworth-Not much, just Leave town. Oh! And never make chocolate again. There's a boat sailing at midnight, to the North Pole.

Willy realises he doesn't have much of a choice. Willy walks slowly back to the laundry, singing softly, with tears in his warm brown eyes..

Willy- Sorry, Noodle.

I guess I got carried away. Sorry, y/n.

I hope you'll love me again, one day.

Mrs Scrubitt is waiting for him in the doorway.

Mrs Scrubitt- Checking out, are we?

He nods and goes inside.

Willy packs away his sample case.

Willy- I just wanted it

To feel the way that it did When I was a kid.

He looks sadly at the picture of his mother inside, then closes the class.

Bleacher stands guard while Willy walks towards the stairs. He pauses by the door to y/n's room.

Sorry, y/n...

He desperately wants to knock, to talk to her, to explain, but Bleacher shakes his head. He actually looks like he could have a little good in him. Just a few droplets. As Willy leaves, some sixth sense wakes y/n. (Sense of love? If I may?)

She runs to the window and looks down to see Willy handing the Cartel's money over to Mrs Scrubitt.

y/n- Willy!

Willy glances up at her for a moment -- then turns away. y/n's heart breaks as she watches him leave.

Y/n- For a moment

Life didn't seem quite so bad

For a moment

I almost forgot to be sad.

I thought you loved me..

But now I see how it always ends.

Willy- Sorry, Noodle.

I guess it just wasn't to be. Very soon you'll,

You'll forget about me.

At least this will buy You a better life.

Willy- Goodbye, Noodle...

He disappears round the corner out of sight.

Y/n- When will you ever learn That you always get burned

For a Moment: Willy Wonka x Fem!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora