Chapter 11- the most loving, cute, happy, hug EVER!!!

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Noodle drags her cart away from the laundry. Willy is hiding in a laundry bag on the back along with the other Workers. Willy explains everything about the little green man to the rest of the workers.

Noodle- He came back?!

Willy- Yes! 

Abacus- A little green man?

Y/n- Orange man, green hair.

Willy- Thank you y/n.

Abacus hands y/n an envelope.

Abacus- Read it out.

Y/n- "Commercial Leasehold Agreement."

He tilted his head, and looked at her with a confused look  

Y/n's mind— Okay that is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire 20 years of existence♥️♥️

Willy- what does that mean?

Noodle- You'll see willy, just wait  

Larry- It gets better.

Y/n- "The following is a leasehold agreement between the management board of the Galeries Gourmet, hereinafter the landlord, and Mr Willy Wonka..." willy- That's me...!

Noodle- of course it's you silly! 😜

Willy stares at the paper, flabbergasted.

Y/n- You know that shop? The one you've been dreaming of?

He nods, amazed. Abacus holds up a Set of keys.

Willy opens the door, scarcely able to breathe.

The shop has seen better days. Paint is peeling off the walls and the ceiling has fallen in, sending an old chandelier crashing to the floor -- but it's still somehow magical. Willy looks around, speechless. The others follow them in.


Now I know what you're thinking. It may need a little work...

Larry- If that's a joke, it's not funny. And I know not-funny.

Piper fits two ends of a cable together. The lights come on.

Piper- Looks like someone left the water running 20 years ago, and the ceiling fell through. And the ceiling above that. And the ceiling above that.

Abacus- But that means we can afford it - for a week, anyway.

Lottie - And we'd finally be legitimate! The police would have no excuse to keep bothering us.

Y/n looks anxiously at Willy. He still hasn't said a word.

Y/n- What do you think, Willy? Do you like it?

Willy- Do I like it?! Y/n, it's just how I always imagined. No. Scratch that. Better than I imagined!

Willy was so happy that he couldn't help but throw his arms around her and give her the most loving, sweet, happy, warm hug, almost knocking her over.

Willy- I mean sure, it's a wreck, but look at the potential, the bones! This is going to be the best chocolate shop in the world. You're not going to be scrub scrubbing much longer, guys!. We'll all be free! As free as flamingoes!

Abacus- Alright! We're not out of the woods yet. We'd best get back to the Wash House before roll call...

Willy, Noodle and the other workers climb up out of the storm drain in the alley near Scrubitt and Bleacher. They get back into their laundry bags and climb into the cart. Watching from the rooftop are the Cartel and the Chief, who is compulsively eating chocolates.

Part 3: The Devastating Outcome and the Deal with the Chocolate Cartel

Chief- There's six of them in total, including the girls. They seem to be the brains of the operation. They're based at a laundry called Scrubitt and Bleacher. Slugworth turns sharply at the name.

Slugworth- Scrubitt's?

Chief - Yeah, why? Do you know it?

Slugworth- Yes, as a matter of fact I do.

Chief- They just rented a shop, so legally, I can't touch them, but illegally, I'm happy to do whatever you guys want next and I mean anything. You want them all to have a little accident...

Prodnose- In which they die?

Chief- Not a problem. But it's gonna cost you a lot more chocolate.

Slugworth- Alright, Chief...

Chief- And I'd be very grateful if you could give me an advance cause those other boxes you gave me? They're gone. Stolen. (Lies)

Fickelgruber- What? All of them?

Chief- Yep. I been eating these little paper cases for the past three days. You think they're gonna give you the same hit. They don't. You gotta help me, Mr Slugworth, please. I got a taste for the brown stuff. I got it real bad.

Slugworth- Here you go, Chief. And there's plenty more where that came from, but you stand down for now. We'll give you a call when the time is right.

Chief- Thank you, Mr Slugworth. You're a good man.

He leaves. The others turns back to the window. Slugworth is staring closely at Noodle and y/n.

Fickelgruber- What is it, Arthur?

Slugworth- The girls.

Fickelgruber- You don't really think it could be them, do you?

Slugworth- I do.

Fickelgruber- You always assured us they wouldn't be a problem.

Prodnose- He's right! You did assure us.

Slugworth- They won't be. And nor will Wonka. I'll see to it, personally.

Distant thunder roll as a shadowy figure approaches the front door and knocks. Mrs Scrubitt draws back the hatch.

Mrs Scrubitt-Who is it? What do you want?

Slugworth-Mrs Scrubitt?

Mrs Scrubitt- Mr Slugworth!

She opens the door as Bleacher comes downstairs. They are both wearing identical, short-cut kimonos.

Bleacher- Who is it, my s.. Stone me!

He awkwardly tries to pull his kimono down.

Mrs Scrubitt- T-To what do we owe this honour, sir!

Slugworth- You have a guest, a Mr Wonka. He's been sneaking out to sell chocolate with the help of your serving girls.

Mrs Scrubitt- The little brats!

Slugworth- Well quite. I wondered if you might help me put them out of business...


Word count- 902...

For a Moment: Willy Wonka x Fem!Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें