Chapter 9- Get Yourself some Wonka Chocolate 🍫!

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Next morning, The clock chimes as Noodle drags the cart to the town square.

A young man, Colin, has just plucked up what little courage he has and asked the woman who runs the flower stall, Barbara, to marry him.

Colin- I suppose what I'm asking, Barbara, is, will you marry me?

Barbara- Oh, I don't know, Colin, it's just, I'm looking for a life of adventure, someone to sweep me off my feet. Could that be you?

Colin- No. Not with my chronic lack of self-confidence. I'm sorry to have wasted your time, Barbara. I'd best be off. Taxi!

He goes to hail a passing cab -- but the Taxi splashing through a puddle and soaking him to

Dejected, he sits at a nearby cafe table. The

Waiter- How may I help you, Monsieur.?

Colin- Oh, Waiter. Do you have anything for a broken heart?

The Waiter leans forward to reveal it's actually Willy. He

starts to sing

"Willy- So the taxis never stop,

The girls think you're a flop,

You're wet and cold, you're getting old,

Your confidence is shot.

Colin- It's true.

Willy- When people look at you,

They seem to look straight through,

Or like you're something brown they found

Upon the bottom of their shoe.

Colin- Have you been following me?!

Willy- But this should lift your gloom.

My giraffe milk macaroon

Restores your zeal and makes you feel The tallest in the room!

Goodbye to feeling small And frightened of it all!

Just eat a few of these, soon You'll be feeling ten feet tall!

Colin takes a chocolate and an amazing transformation comes over him. Customers watch as he stands, climbs onto the table and starts to dance with newfound confidence.

Willy- Well there's chocolate!

Colin- And there's chocolate!

Willy And Colin- Only Wonka's makes your confidence sky-rocke-let!

People start buying chocolate as quick as possible.

Willy- Put your hand into your pocke-let! Get yourself some Wonka chocolate!

Colin sees Barbara staring, amazed by his transformation.

Colin- Madam, just one kiss?

Barbara- Yes please!

As they kiss, Noodle, who has been keeping watch, spots the CHIEF leading a handful of Officers on bicycles towards the square. She puts her fingers to her lips and Whistles.

Willy hears her signal. He turns and runs into an alley.

Colin- I've never had chocolate like this!

Barbara- No, he's never had chocolate like this!

Willy leaps through a Manhole cover into the storm drain.

For a Moment: Willy Wonka x Fem!ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя