Chapter 8- You Have a Lovely Voice ♥️🥂

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Abacus- Let me guess. You had a little run-in with the Chief of Police.

Willy- How did you know that?

Abacus- Because that's what happens to anyone who sells chocolate in this town.

Willy- why??

Abacus- Three reasons. Slugworth, Fickelgruber and Prodnose. The Chocolate Cartel.

Willy- How do you know all this?

Abacus- Because I was Slugworth's accountant. For a week at least...

Flashback start

Abacus comes in with a Red Leather-bound Accounts book.

Abacus- Excuse me, Mr Slugworth, I just need your signature on--

Abacus sees the office is empty. It's 10pm and everyone has gone home. But just as he's about to leave, he spots an Identical accounts book on the desk, Bound in green.

Abacus-It seemed a straightforward job until I realised there were two sets of books: one for the authorities -- and one which told the truth. He goes over to the desk and looks through the ledger. Inside are invoices, receipts, even drawings and blueprints.

Abacus- Slugworth, Fickelgruber and Prodnose have been in cahoots for years. They've been watering down their chocolate and storing the excess in a vault deep beneath the Cathedral, guarded round the clock by a corrupt cleric and five hundred chocoholic monks. 

Abacus- The only way to get in is to go down a secret elevator and past the Mistress of the Keys -- a subterranean sentinel who hasn't seen sunlight in years. There's thousands of gallons of chocolate down there and they use that chocolate to bribe, blackmail and bludgeon the competition.

He has been reading all night. Abacus removes his glasses and rubs his eyes, unable to believe what he's seen.

Suddenly, he hears footsteps.

Slugworth- I don't care they were children, Donovan, they were in our way. Next time, put your foot down!

 Abacus hides behind a sideboard as Slugworth and Miss Bon-Bon come in to the office.

Slugworth- Miss Bon-Bon, from now on I'm keeping the ledger in the vault.

Slugworth- Oh, and Mr Crunch?

Abacus realises he's been spotted. He stands sheepishly.

Slugworth You're fired.

Abacus- Very good sir..

Abacus- I took my story to the Chief of Police but they'd got to him first. The Chief nods to an Officer, who grabs Abacus and cuffs him.

End of flashback..

ABACUS- I was charged with slandering a Captain of Industry and fined every penny I had. All I needed was somewhere to lay my head until I could work out how to get back home. That was four years ago.

————————— 30 minutes later. Willy is looking for y/n.

Willy spots Y/n at her desk, making a lovely sketch of a Woman, who looked a lot like her.

Willy- You never fail to amaze me. (Putting a hand on her shoulder) 

Y/n- Willy! I could say the same thing about you! Not everyone can store sunshine in a bottle!

Willy- thanks, you've got a nice voice. Who's this?

Y/n- My mother.

Willy- she's beautiful. You look just like her!

For a Moment: Willy Wonka x Fem!ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt