Chapter 6- A Big Night Out 🥂🍬

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The Workers have gathered in the main part of the Wash House. Sounds of construction come from Willy and Y/n's sections.

Willy opens his door to reveal a huge mechanical washing Machine, powered by Tiddles running on a treadmill, chasing the square of Willy's trousers which hangs just out of reach.

Willy- Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present a brand new contraption of my, noodle, and y/n's creation, an innovation in laundrification.

Workers- Scrub Scrub!

Willy- Now let me ask you a question. How does Tiddles want to spend his time? Running after mailmen! And what do I have to do all day?

Workers- Scrub Scrub!

Willy- Exactly! Well with Willy Wonka's Willy Wonka's wild and wonderful wishy washy wonka walker! -- please don't make me say it again -- he gets to run while I can have fun.

Workers- Scrub Scrub!

Willy, y/n and noodle cross over to the dumb waiter.

Noodle- We're just popping out for a bit.

They grab an empty laundry bag each, and jump into the dumb waiter.

Willy- we'll be back by roll call, but until then Tiddles has agreed to:

Workers- Scrub Scrub!

Ping! Willy arrives up in the shop. Scrubitt and Bleacher sit by the stove, giggling amorously (it's gross).

Mrs Scrubitt- So tell me all about Bavaria.

Bleacher- Where?

MRS SCRUBITT Where you're from.

Bleacher- Oh yes. It's very... Bavarian.

Y/n smiles to herself. Willy's bag leaps out of the dumb waiter into Noodle's laundry cart -- and the SONG ENDS.

Noodle drags the cart down the hill and into a deserted alley just out of sight of the laundry.

Noodle All clear!

She unties the laundry bag to let Willy and Y/n out.

Willy- We did it! Well done, Girls!!

Y/n- I can't believe it worked!

Willy- And wait 'til you see how much chocolate I made last night! We sell this and we're gonna -- oh no!

Willy has magicked a jar from his hat -- but it is EMPTY.

Y/n- What's going on, Willy? Where are the chocolates?

Willy- I don't know how to tell you this, y/n, but... they've been stolen.

Noodle- Stolen?

Willy- Mm-hm.

Y/n and noodle- Who by?

Willy- The Little Orange Man.

Noodle- What?

Willy- The Little Orange Man. Didn't Itell you about him?

Y/n- No, you didn't.

Willy- He's my nemesis! He's about yea high, comes in the dead of night and steals all my chocolate. Been happening every few weeks for the past ooh... three, four years now.

Noodle (sarcastically)- Really?

Willy- Sometimes I spy him in that strange realm 'twixt sleep and wake, green hair glinting in the moonlight.

Y/n- Green hair?!

Willy (vengeful)- One day I shall catch him...

Y/n- Willy?

For a Moment: Willy Wonka x Fem!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora