Chapter 31: Discussion

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You violently woke up in the Blank Space, the space completely dark, no light coming through, each breath you took heavy as if all the air in your lungs was swiped from you. 

You tried to move but no surprise you couldn't.

You couldn't speak, you couldn't scream, you were defenseless. 

You remembered your last visit, the violent red energy striking fear in you with just the thought of it ever coming back. 

The Blank space is filled with the sound of your heavy breaths, which is not too comforting. 

You wished you could wake yourself from this nightmare your quirk presented to you. 

Most of all, you hoped the violent red energy wouldn't show itself. 

Every passing second you spent in the Blank Space you anticipated the violent red energy to appear, hoping so badly that it wouldn't. 

Suddenly red lightning struck in the skies of the Blank Space completely frightening you, you knew what was to come next. 

Your body wanted to jump, your feet aching to run, your eyelids begging to be closed, but to no avail, the void of the blank space wouldn't let you.

Red lightning struck left and right, your eyes swelling with tears as they bolted from lightning to lightning. 

Your chest heaved heavily, seeing the red outline of the violent red energy only made you breathe even heavier. 

What did this energy want from you? Why is your quirk showing you this violent display of its power?  

Finally, as you anxiously waited, the energy showed itself, looking as terrifying as ever. 

You wanted to run, you wanted to fly, you wanted to do anything that would get you as far away from the energy as you could, but you couldn't move.

Just as soon as you could see it, the energy came rushing towards you.

Your heart nearly beat out of your chest as the energy was getting closer and closer. 

The energy was not wasting a second to get near you. 

Suddenly the energy stopped an inch from your face, the breeze brushing on your face.

You looked wide-eyed at the energy as sweat beads slid down your face.

Although confused, you were thankful for the stoppage, but it only left you anticipating what would come next. 

Suddenly you started to fall violently.

Not being able to scream, the pressure of the fall making your face cringe

You knew that the Blank Space had no end, so you were only falling deeper into the nothingness of the Blank Space. 

You just closed your eyes and calmed yourself down, whatever would be next you knew you couldn't prevent, you would have to accept your fate.

You started with controlling your breathing, starting to breathe at a comfortable pace.

Then you eased your mind, accepting what would happen.

And finally, you opened your eyes. 

 You woke up in a hospital bed, flowers with notes and gifts filling the room, the room dark, the only light coming in was from the color of the sky, the sky was a beautiful pink. 

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