♡ 25 | Why aren't you together?

Start from the beginning

You cough, trying to regain your composure as Mrs. Diggory looks at you with concern.

"Uh, no, Mrs. Diggory," you manage to reply, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment. "We're... just friends."

Your voice catches at the word "friends". Cedric was more than that, much more. Even "crush" or "boyfriend" wouldn't cover it. He is a part of you at this point, an annoyingly perfect and dorky part, sure, but a part you could not live without.

Mrs. Diggory's eyes soften, and she nods understandingly. "Ah, I see. Well, you seem like a lovely young lady. Cedric talks about you often."

Your heart skips a beat at her words, but you try to play it cool. "He does?"

"Oh yes, why his letters this year have been dozen pages long, front and back, talking about you," she confirms with a warm smile. "He admires you greatly, you know. Thinks very highly of you." Her eyes flick to your neckline. "And, do excuse me, but did Cedric buy that pendant for you?"

You feel your chest tighten as your hand twitches to fidget with the pendant, a habit of yours when you are afraid or nervous. "Y-Yes. I'm really sorry, I told him it was too much and expensive and-"

"Oh dear, I didn't mean to call you a gold digger," she waves your worries away with a good-natured laugh. "Cedric—and don't tell him I told you this—spent almost all of his pocket money he has ever saved. I never thought somebody would mean so much to him..."

You can now hear your heart thump in your chest, feeling feverish, not knowing how to respond.

"Well, that is not a complete truth," Mrs. Diggory says thoughtfully. "He has always been that way, gets it from his father. When he decides that he loves somebody, he forgets all else. I used to worry it would lead to him being taken advantage of..." She shakes her head. "For all his brains, Ced can be naive. That's why it didn't work out with Cho..." She looks at you. "Oh dear me, I am boring you with all this, aren't I? Sound like some kind of Pageant mom. God, worse, I sound like Amos."

The two of you share a warm laugh.

"Don't apologize," you say, hugging the bottles of butterbeer. "It's great to see how much you love and respect your son. I wish my parents..." You shake your head. "You did a great job with him, Mrs. Diggory. Ced is the kindest, sweetest, most loving and nurturing and trustworthy person I know. I never have to worry if he's being honest or playing mind games with me or only wants to be with me for my looks and money... Not to mention, he clearly gets his smarts and looks from you."

Mrs. Diggory's laughter fills the air, and you can't help but notice the similarities between her and Cedric—the way her eyes crinkle at the corners, the perfect curve of her lips, the melodic sound of her laughter. It's uncanny.

"Well, I suppose I do take credit for that. I am a mediwitch at St. Mungo's, so I suppose the nurturing nature of my profession rubbed off on him..." Her tone shifts, becoming more serious. "Dear, excuse my expression again, but the way you just described him... That twinkle in your eyes... is the same expression Cedric has when he talks about you. Why aren't you two together?"

Her question pierces through your thoughts like a bolt of lightning, leaving you momentarily speechless. It's a question that has been staring you in the face since the Yule Ball, but hearing it out loud brings a new level of clarity and urgency to the situation. She's right.

Why aren't you together?


Hours have passed, and Draco has only managed to muster the use of the first two Unforgivable Curses, Crucio and Imperio, on your parents. His face is streaked with dried tears and sweat, his eyes bloodshot and dry from the exhaustion of his efforts. Meanwhile, Narcissa Malfoy's sobs can be heard echoing from another room, horrified at her son and ex-family freinds' fates.

Golden Girl (reader x Draco x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now