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- flashback in italic
- will have two parts
- i dont't proofread it
- pls forgive me if its not fun

"Tee, you wanna play basketball after this?" Phee asked while packing his things. The lesson today was tiring, Phee could not focus on anything that the teacher explained. His mind was thinking. Thinking about Non. Thnking about Jin. He felt like he might as well just skip classes and sleep all day.

"Nah, I have to meet White after this." Tee said, looking at his phone. Phee glared at him and clicked his tongue. "People in love, stink." He said.

Tee let out a soft laugh, smacking Phee's head. "Hey, you are usually with Jin around this time. Go hang out with him. Why are you bothering me?" Tee said.

Jin. The name stopped Phee from replying Tee's question. It had been a week since the last time Thee saw Jin. During the first three days, Phee thought Jin only needed time after that awful event between them. However, after not seeing him for five days straight, he started to get worried. But he did not want to ask anyone about it.

"But, I think its better not to bother him. He said he was sick three days ago. Maybe he is still not feeling well." Tee said, shrugging his shoulders.

Phee looked at him, trying to control the worried expression on his face. "Eh? Really? He does not tell me anything." He answered indifferently. However, he could feel that his heart was beating a little bit crazier than usual.

"Meh, he is not really the type to update in the groupchat. I asked him personally." Tee said, picking up his bag. "Alright dude, I have to go now!" He patted Phee's shoulder. Phee just nodded his head, picking up his bag and exited the class.

Everything confused Phee. He knew exactly what he had to do, but feelings could not be forced. As much as he convinced himself that he only loved Non, he could not deny that Jin did make him feel something. Even when he was with Non, he could not feel that type of warm feeling.

It was always cozy and comfortable whenever he was with Jin. Despite the anger and confusion about Non, Jin made him relax. Jin was indeed similar to Non, but the slight difference definitely made Phee's heart shaken.

Jin always had different views on things. Maybe it was because the love he had for photograohy, Jin always paid attention to the little things. He always wanted to make Phee feel loved despite their unknown relationship status. With that face of his, his kind and soft gestures, Jin had his own mischievous side that Phee found amazingly adorable.

Phee let out a soft sigh. 'Maybe I am just lonely. That is why.' Phee thought.

Phee headed to the basketball court. He did not know why he brought himself there instead of going home, but he was super grateful. There, he saw the face that he had wanted to see for so long. He could not deny it, he missed him.

"Jin!" Phee shouted, not that loud. But enough to make the people around them to hear. Jin looked at him. Phee almost felt like he wanted to cry. The feeling was overwhelming. He wanted to hug him, kiss all over his face and tell him how much he had missed him all this time. The crazier part was that, it had only been a week.

"Why didn't you come to school?" Phee asked.

Phee realized that there was something different about Jin. His usually soft eyes, now looked cold. Phee felt guilty. No, he was scared. He was actually scared to lose Jin.

"Not feeling well." Jin answered briefly. Not looking at him.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could go to your house to share notes!" Phee said.

"It's okay. Por sent me his notes via e-mail. Why are you so worried?" Jin asked. Still not looking at him.

"Of course I would be worried! We are..." Phee was about to say the word 'friend' but stopped when Jin finally looked at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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