"Ye...Yeah. Yeah I do. I should be fine with that one until then. Thank you, leader," my voice sounded so small in comparison to what I wanted it to sound. God, I need to get more rest.

"Good girl. And please, call me Hange. 'Leader' sounds too formal for me," Hange chuckled, her tone a bit too casual for that language before she snaked her arm around my waist to guide me out the door. My nerves electrified at the feeling of her hand on the small of my back, and I swallowed harshly, trying to eliminate my nerves and prayed there wasn't a blush on my face from her words. "Go get some rest; I'll come check up on you in a few hours. Don't exert yourself, and don't worry about the rest of the activities for today. They're just ones to get to know the rest of your classmates and upperclassmen in the Honors College, nothing too serious." Biting my lip, I nodded my head in agreement before walking down the hall towards the exit, unaware of Hange's lingering gaze on my back.


(y/n): v i am going to shit my pants


veevee: what did you do this time?


(y/n): i basically got a get out of jail free card
for today. but.


veevee: but?????????????


(y/n): WW leader is hot. like scorching.
 and i do not like it. i have to spend the rest of
 the semester with them


veevee: send pics. i'll pick him up if you don't want him


(y/n): womnn. just my type too.
kms ><


veevee: my offer still stands. if she got one of
those fake dicks, 
i'll take it


(y/n): horny bitch. go to a club or smtn you
virginal whore/lh

read: 9:46am


I chucked my phone on the bed space next to me, rereading the conversation I had with Via on my walk back. Via was being no help as usual, though I was freaking out a bit too much to actually communicate properly. She was one of the first people I came out to in high school, after trial and error of dating men freshman and sophomore year (no shame on men but tits are where it's at). Bisexuality seemed to fit me best at the time, but now I'm just unsure. Bi still? Lesbian? Maybe just queer. A flat, neutral term that only I will know here. I don't need a repeat of what happened in high school with my old friend group.

After I had gotten back to my dorm, I spent a good ten minutes pacing, telling myself it wasn't real. That my feelings were invalid because it's just a normal girl who was showing me kindness. Nothing more, nothing less. No hidden intention, nothing behind it. That I was reading into everything too much, as per usual. Then I stripped out of all my sweaty clothing and changed into new underwear and just a baggy shirt before putting my AC unit on high and turning a fan on before chugging most of my dorm-specific water bottle. A habit I picked up in high school. I'd rather have to piss a lot than think, thus the habit was born, and damn, was a bitch hydrated.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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