Ouch. 🙄

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quick a/n:

y/n and chris are dating.

warning : blood, aggressiveness.

theme : aggressive.


*y/n's pov*

"Hey guys welcome back to another Friday car video!" Nick says into the camera.

"Today we have a special guest, y/n!! You have seen her in a few vlogs but today she is in a car video with us." Nick says.

"Hii!" I say waving to the camera as I hear tiny whispers from chris and matt up front.

"Oh shut the actual fuck up." Chris says to matt.

"Woah woah we just started you two need to both shut up." Nick says.

"Dont even fucking talk to me with your weird ass looking hair." Chris says to Nick as he waves his arm at nicks face.

"Get that out of my damn face." Nick says.

"Oh fuck you." Chris says.

"Guys calm down, we just started. Y'all acting so childish already..also my head hurts so you all will make it much worse." I say.

"Shhh!" Matt says.

"I'm gonna break your goddamn wrist now get your fucking hand away." Nick yells.

Nick and chris yelling caused my head to hurt a lot more.

"Y/n tell Nick to shut the fuck up and stop." Chris says.

Right after that I went on my phone texting my mom to avoid having to talk to them.

"Y/n." Chris says.

"Y/n!" Chris says as he yanks my phone right out of my hand.

"Hey! Give me my phone." I yell making my head hurt a lot more.

"Who are you texting that's more important than telling Nick to shut up." He says looking in my eyes.

"I don't need to tell him to shut the fuck up. And I'm not texting anybody important to you now give my damn phone back!" I yell at him.

"Chris just give her stupid phone back!!" Nick yells really loud.

Chris starts to go for a hit at nick but I lean forward and chris hits me clanking my teeth together instead.

"Shit." I mumble as I cover my mouth in pain.

"Sorry, y/n." Chris says not knowing what he did.

"Holy shit chris!" Matt says knowing my teeth clanked together really hard.

I remove my hand from my mouth seeing there is a ton of blood.

"Chris! You made her bleed." Nick states.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry y/n." He says with my phone still in his hands.

Instead of asking nicely again, I throw myself on top of him and grab my phone.

"Fuckkk!" Chris says as he grabs his leg.

"Y/n, you just fucking jumped on my d!ck." Chris yells.

"Sorry you grabbed my phone sweetheart." I say teasing him.

I wipe my bloody face with my black sleeve and continue texting my mom.

"At least tell me who you're texting." He says.

"My mom, now please don't do that again." I say as I look over to see matts jaw dropped practically on the floor.

"Oh my gosh." He says with a sigh.

"We are not posting this video. Thats final." Nick says with a small chuckle.

"Sorry for being an ass but my fucking head hurts." I say.

"Same." Matt says.

"Sorry babe." I say to chris.

"Your good. I'm even more sorry." He says with a smile and wipes some blood of my mouth.



hope you enjoyed and thanks for the reads so far. ❤️❤️

i post stories every wednesday and fridays!

[580 words]

i love you so much • matt and chris sturniolo imagines ! 💕Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum