Author's Note

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            I'm posting this on both Wattpad and Archive Of Our Own. I love both sites although there's pros and cons to both of them. I use their lingo interchangeably so votes/kudos, reading lists/bookmarks, following/subscribing, etc. all seem to be similar concepts to me. But most importantly, the people on both sites within the Oasis Fanfiction Community are beyond awesome! Many thanks to everyone I've met along the way not only for your support on my stories but for being a friend and someone to talk to about our shared love of Oasis amongst other things!

I noticed a couple weeks ago my Wattpad app is lagging when I look at certain chapters of Madferit: The Novel in editing mode. I thought maybe it's because my phone is getting old (I'm trying to keep it for as long as I can because it still has the original Wattpad Covers app on it which I prefer for making book covers since they can all be the same) but submitted a help ticket just to see if there wasn't an issue with the app.

It turns out it's because of the length of my chapters. It doesn't seem to have this issue while in reading mode on my phone or in editing mode on my laptop.

I never intended for my chapters to get as long as they have. But as Addie's story progresses along the Oasis timeline and I find more details and real life events to incorporate into her world, the chapters don't seem to get any shorter. I feel everything I include in chapters is meant to be there hence why I don't leave much out or break it down into smaller chapters.

But I've decided to change that a little bit. I'm going to start separating chapters into parts. My outline divides chapters into months with everything that happens in each month. This helps me organize my thoughts and ideas as well as incorporate real life events by the dates they happened.

So, here's what Addie's story will consist of:

Madferit: The Novel

This will be continued as it has been with whole chapters posted rather than being broken down into parts. When I reach 200 chapters (who knows how long that'll take though), I'll create a new book on Wattpad since Wattpad limits a book to 200 parts or chapters. AO3 appears to allow an infinite number of chapters so I probably won't need to create a new book on there and will just be able to continue it in the same story.

Madferit: The Novel – Continued

The story will continue the same as it is in the original Madferit: The Novel book. The chapters will just be broken down into separate parts. So no plot changes or anything like that. It'll start with Chapter 154. I'm not sure if I'll go back and break the whole story down because that would be quite time-consuming and I already struggle enough with finding time for writing.

I'll continue uploading into my drafts as I go before posting but hope to post the separate chapter parts as I get them done. Maybe that'll help me get things posted quicker but I don't know. I'd actually have to spend more time writing first!

To make a long story short (that pun may or may not have been intended haha!), my life outside of writing has been super busy. Maybe I'll explain more in the author's notes of my actual chapters but that essentially covers it. There's been times when I've had no time to write and times where I could've written but just couldn't muster up the gumption to do so.

To anybody reading this and any of my stories, I truly can't thank you enough! I know Addie's story is like Be Here Now in the sense of it goes on and on without ever really getting anywhere. But hey, if all her problems were solved then there wouldn't be a story would there?

I'm not sure who all is still here. Sometimes I feel like the last unicorn even though I know I'm not. As I've said numerous times I love this fanfiction community within the Oasis fandom and am grateful for all the people I've met in it along the way. So, I can't help feeling sad when it seems like so many people have come and gone. To whoever is reading this, thank you so much for being a friend!

Hopefully I'll have something to post in here soon!

I hope you enjoy what's coming!

Thanks for reading!

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