Ideas/ Final decision

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These are the current ideas I have. 

⏩ Applyfic

⏩ A personal story- y'know, like, a not fanfic

⏩ Uhhh maybe still a giveaway?

⏩ My opinion book (On somethin- whatever lol)

So, clearly, those were my ideas.  I actually decided to do a Rating Ships book, and that worked pretty well! Now I'm just waiting for 200 followers- and I have a confession to make. 

Solarfeather, I realized I didn't even get you your prizes for winning my previous art contest, and I am SO SORRY! Like, how could I completely forget that? I feel terrible, and I will finish that as soon as possible. I drew Frazil digitally, but when I finished, I realized his colors were completely off. I forgot to publish that- and I still feel really bad for not doing this for you! I realized this as I was considering doing another art contest- and if I do, I WILL NOT forget you. Again- I'm really really really super super sorry! My tablet is dead and my pen disappeared, so I have to draw everything traditionally. Sorry!! :'((((

(I still feel really bad- I'm sorry again!! D':<)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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