Tavern Brawl

Depuis le début

"...Are you alright, hanako?" Kobe asked from across the room. Helen looked up to see the samurai now locked behind the cell across the hall. His katana was taken from him, now left with nothing more than his robe and geta sandals. She remembered Kobe had called his attire Kendo Hakama. Traditional robes for samurai in his home world of Mooshu. Kobe had visible bruises on his face and body, blood trickled down his forehead. Clearly the troops had beaten him into submission. She knew better than to ask if he was okay. Kobe would simply grunt and avoid the question.

The young woman sighed, "Not really." She admitted. The samurai had comforted her with conversations before the escape attempt. He was considerate and caring. Very surprising for what she assumed would be a stoic emotionless samurai. Kobe even called her hanako, which he explained meant 'young flower' in his native language. The nickname made Helen smile. She didn't like being seen as delicate or frail because she was a girl. But a part of her knew Kobe didn't see her as defenseless. "Just disappointed." Helen said after a pause.

"Hai." Kobe agreed, "but we will find a way out of this. I know it." There was silence afterwards. Helen couldn't muster the energy to agree with him. She had been given a chance, and it was taken from her. "Get some rest." The samurai said. "Our destination is still many moons away."

Helen understood what he meant. Deacon was taking them to Valencia. She felt fear gripping her heart. She knew the moment they entered Valencian skyways, there was no getting out. After the automatons won their civil war, and then won against Polaris' navy, the Armada completely took over the rule of Valencia. No one was allowed in or out of their skyways without the permission of the Armada.

Helen took Kobe's advice and hugged her knees to her chest, leaning against the cold wooden wall. It didn't take much effort for her to feel tired. A part of her hoped this was all a bad dream, and falling asleep would bring her back to reality. Back to her comfortable home in Marleybone with her foster parents. She had left in an attempt to find her mom and dad, taking her foster parents' cruising ship to search the skyways of the spiral. Helen remembered them telling her that looking for her parents was a fool's errand and to not leave. Now she wished she had taken their words seriously. Maybe if she had, she wouldn't end up rotting in an Armada prison.

With that depressing thought, Helen finally fell asleep.


Tristan couldn't put into words how miserable he felt.

In response, the young pirate decided to drown his sorrows in the nearest tavern he could find. The kraken skull in Skull Island. The safe haven for lost pirates looking for refuge. Tristan was such a pirate. He knew Deacon wouldn't follow him here. A single Armada ship didn't stand a chance against the wrath of an island full of pirates who hate automatons. Tristan knew however it was a matter of time before Avery found out he was here and that he brought the Armada so close to Skull island. He was sure he was in for an earful.

He had left the unconscious Boochbeard and his pet monkey at the center of Skull Island for all its inhabitants to see. Maybe now they wouldn't look up to Boochbeard as some kind of god amongst pirates.

"I believe I have made a grave mistake." Subodai said in his hoarse voice. The mercenary sat next to the sulking pirate on the bar, watching his new captain chug the bottle of yum yum juice.

"You too?" Tristan asked as he finished his drink. He did his best not to sway in his seat. Yum yum juice wasn't alcoholic but it did cause numbness to the body. It was great for healing any illnesses and wounds, but also good for getting that drunk feeling. It sold way more than any beer on the shelves. It was no wonder Captain Gumm became one of the richest pirates to ever live. He was the legend that invented Yum products.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 08 ⏰

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