Shadow waited, but Sonic's friends made no immediate movement. He sighed, and brought himself to his feet.

Appearing from behind the rock, he stood in front of the three of them in silence. Emotions ranging from moderate shock to general displeasure appeared on their faces. Shadow only wore his trademark frown.

"Shadow?" Amy exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

It wasn't a threatening question.

Shadow gestured to the rock. "Resting. I figured I would be away from any interruptions here."

"Well..." Amy sputtered a bit. "We...we're just here for a pit stop. We won't be here long."

"In fact, we were just going," Knuckles added, with some antagonism. "Ain't that right, Tails?"

"...Uh," Tails started. He shook his head and blinked, finding the confidence. He held a notebook in his arms. "I mean, I'm just recording a few things about the environment here. I'm almost done."

Shadow tried to let himself relax slightly. "It's fine," he said. "You can take your time."

"Oh...okay, then."

Tails knelt down again with his notebook. He glanced up at Shadow, who was continuing to watch him.

Nervously, Tails chuckled. He looked back down to the grass. He took his pencil out of the rings of his notebook, then fumbled with it, and dropped it.

Amy's hands whisked behind her back, and Knuckles scratched the back of his neck. Shadow kept staring.

Tails picked up his pencil and his eyes briefly flickered to Shadow. He then looked down at the ground, presumably trying to make observations, but it was clear he was unable to fully focus.

After a moment, even Shadow started to feel the awkwardness.

"I'll just go," Shadow said.

He turned to dash away.


It was Amy. He stopped, looking out of the corner of his eye as she took a few steps towards him.

"We haven't seen you for a few weeks...You know, when you took the paradox prism."

Shadow's frown hardened. "And?"

"Well..." she kept approaching. Knuckles followed behind. "What happened with it? And why did you step in like that?"

Shadow glared at them. "Why do you need to know? I took it away so no one could find it. Somewhere it would be safe."

Knuckles and Amy drew even with Tails. Shadow folded his arms.

Amy wasn't satisfied. "Yeah, but something happened, didn't it? Between you and Sonic?"

Shadow continued to glare.

Amy continued, "Normally, you two can't agree on anything, but when we asked Sonic about whether he, you know, trusted you with the prism, he said not to worry about it."

Knuckles nodded. "Kinda odd to hear Sonic sound so trusting of you."

"And I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but I know for a fact that you two were fighting just before we came across the prism. But he didn't mention you two making up after the fight," said Amy.

Shadow stood rigidly. "We didn't."

Looking like she expected some more information, Amy spoke again after a second. "But something changed between you two, right? Sonic seems to be a little more...friendly-sounding when he talks about you now, I suppose. Like you have more of a history."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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