Part 2

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On the other side, James Bond was, busying taking down a Giant Marshmallow Man called Stay Puft as he said "Look out below! Look out below!" Then, Stay Puft fell over, and a unicorn named Louis Tully went up to him, and said "Amazing Mr Bond! Your tenth Marshmallow this month!" As he tried to climb onto Stay Puft, he said "Oh, I love hunting Marshmallows. Big Marshmallows, little Marshmallows. Marshmallow, Marshmallows, Marshmallows." He nearly slipped, and he looked at Hydra as he said "Sorry." "Oh, that's ok." Hydra said. James Bond then pulled Louis ontop of Stay Puft with his magic as he said "Ah, Marshmallows are fine to pass the time, Louis, but-but my heart longs to be joined in song. Cause I have been dreaming of a true love's kiss." Suddenly, he heard the sound of somepony singing as he said "Do you hear that, Louis?" "Me? No. No, I hear nothing." Louis said. "Nothing." He tried to sing to get James Bond's attention, but he then said "I must find the Colt that belongs to that sweet voice!" He ran off as Louis Tully said "Oh, no! Come back, Mr Bond! No, you're hallucinating!" "I am not!" James Bond said as he ran.

"Oh!" Louis said in fear. "Oh, pooh. Oh, no! All these years of marshmallow chasing, trying to keep him from ever meeting a colt." He looked down at the picture of Jacques in his gold locket, and said "Oh, the King. No, he's not going to like this." He then looked behind him to see Stay Puft singing, and it gave him an idea as he snickered. As James Bond kept running, he heard a noise behind him, and he saw Stay Puft running, and he ran past him. As he ran faster, he said "Oh, you shall not prevail, foul Marshmallow man! That colt is mine!" In the cottage, Egon was looking out the window as Slimer said "Honey, do you really think your dream colt exists?" "Oh, Slimer, I know he's out there somewhere." The forest animals spotted Stay Puft looking in as they said "Eye! Eye! Eye-eye!" Egon looked at them as he said "I-I what?" "I eat you now." Stay Puft said. Egon screamed in fright, and they backed away as Stay Puft tried to grab him. He felt around as he said "Gotcha." He spotted Egon flying out another window as he said "Huh? He looked down to see he got the statue instead. He got mad as he said "Hey, that's cheating!"

As Egon flew up the tree near the cottage, Stay Puft said "I supposed to eat you!" "Oh, no you don't, you big lug!" Slimer said as he jumped down at Stay Puft's head. The branch then started to bend as he said "Oh? Oh!" "Ah!" Egon yelped out. "Wow, I got to lay off the Hot Dogs and other Food." "Colt yummy." Stay Puft said as he moved to grab him, but was stopped by magic that came from James Bond who aproached, and said "Fear not, fair colt! I am here!" Egon smiled, but he as he said "Whoa!" Slimer quickly caught him as he said "Gotcha!" But then, they slipped as he said "Whoa!" Egon screamed as he fell, and caught another branch. "Uh oh." Stay Puft said. The branch pulled back, and he was sent flying as he said "Whoo!" Suddenly, Egon started to slip as he said "Oh! Slimer!" Slimer climbed up as he said "Just hang on, honey. I'm going to-!" But he fell too late as he slipped and screamed. he fell through branches as he said "Ow! Ow! Ow!" he landed on James Bond, and as they recovered, he said "Oh my gosh! It's you!" "Yes, it's me." James Bond said. "And you are?" "Egon Spengler." Egon said with a smile. James Bond smiled, and said "Oh! Egon Spengler! We shall be married in the morning!" Egon nodded eagerly as he said "Oh, yes!" They then started walking off together as Slimer, and the forest animals followed them. At the castle in Canterlot, Jacques was watching them through a crystal ball as he got angry, and said "Oh, so this is is the little forest rat who thinks he can steal my throne. NEVER!"

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