Prologe - the beginning.

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First person POV:

My death date.

To think I've spent so long here, and I'm finally going to be removed from the world. My name is Lucile Elowen, I'm sixteen years old. And i was born to die, nothing more than a sacrifice to a god whose image I was made in.

This religion has brought me nothing but pain from the day i was born. I looked down at my messy, long hair, lost in thought, everything was blurry, and half the world blank to me.

I raised my eye as I heard the door open, I couldn't tell who it was, the cloak they adorned not being the reason for such. They had no significance to me, they had no defining features I recognised through the blur.

More figures I didn't recognise entered the room, I didn't recognise them, but I knew who they were, they're my escorts to my demise.

A final figure enters the room, I recognise the colours through the blur, the pale skin, the navy blue eyes, the pale brown hair. I knew not of their name, but I had spoken to them before.

They gaze down at me, their expression unknown through my eyes, I heard them snap their fingers, two of the unknown figures stepped forward.


The brunette spoke to me, and I followed through their demand, knowing it wouldn't matter either way, the unknown figures each grab one of my arms, and all the people begin to flood out of the room, me following after them as the figures holding my arms pull me forward.

I gaze along the halls, looking over every window and crevice, as it will be the last chance I'll ever have to do so, I think to myself.

'Today is the day... the day I am given to our god.. my blood shall spill today, but I wasn't afraid... I had all my life to prepare for this day... and I was more than ready to finally be rid of this world...'

I let out an inaudible sigh, obediently continuing to walk as I am pulled forward by those with a hold on me, everything was blurry... everything had always been blurry.

I glance up, noticing what I can only assume is a door.
The brunette opens the door, the two holding onto my arms continue to push me until we are stood before an alter, they push me to my knees.

The navy eyed person turns to every cloaked figure in the room, they take a deep breath before speaking.

"My friends, the day has finally come, today the sacrifice that will bring our saviour to us, he will finally join us on earth. At the price of this one life."

They turn to point of me, I don't need to be facing him to know this.. I hear their footsteps approach me next to the altar, they lean down beside me, gently gripping my chin and making me hold eye contact with them, they spoke.

"Is there anything you'd like to say? After all, it is your special day, is it not?"

they gaze into my eye in silence... I say nothing, remaining silent, a blank gaze on my face, they sigh, letting go of my chin.

"Very well then... let the ceremony begin."

They step aside, another hooded figure handing them a knife, curved and crafted beautifully. They step up to me at the altar once more.

"My lord Laikura, sixteen years ago, you gifted all of us with a child in your image, and today we bring her back to your alter, to die in your honour. A sacrifice."

Their gaze lowers to me, their expression blurred.

"We have spent years raising this child to act as your vessel, gouging her eye out to ensure her resemblance to your beauty. and once her blood spills across your altar, we trust that you will take over her body and finally join us, your loyal followers in this world."

They begin to raise their knife.

"And may your altar be the last thing you ever see."

He finishes his speech, his knife raised high above me, ready to plunge into my heart at any second.

I don't know what came over me, but I felt my heartbeat quicken, I felt sweat begin to drip down my forehead... I had thought I was ready for this.. that fear was no longer something necessary after everything these people had done to me.

Every rule I had to follow.

Every time they compared me to their god.

Everytime I was treated as if I was nothing.

Everytime I was told I'd only ever be second to their god, nothing but a vessel to one day be taken over by him.

Every minor sacrifice i witnessed before me, every time i grew close to them.

Every time i was left to rot in my room during every ceremony as those I cared for were taken from me by the same cruel fate I was about to suffer...

I was scared, but I had to stay strong, even as I felt tears begin to well up in my eye, dripping down my cheeks as I swallowed my fear.

And just like that, the knife was plunged down, and just before it hit my chest, everything went black...

'So this is death...'

I thought to myself, but... I brought a hand up to my chest, feeling not a single ounce of pain... nor the smallest of scratched graced my skin..

"Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor... my proud beautiful flower of evil.."

My head shot up at the voice, seeing a floating mirror before me, a barrage of flames visible within it.

"You are truly the fairest one of all."

The mirror continued to speak.

"O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat... Reveal unto to me the visage I seek..."

It trails off as I gaze at it wide eyed

"You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth..." it spoke mysteriously before the flames are replaced by a hand reaching out to me.

"If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror."

I hesitantly reach out to the hand in the mirror

"As flame reduces even the stars to ash..."

"As ice seals away even time itself.."

"As great trees swallow even the sky."

"Fear not the power of darkness. Now, demonstrate your power."

"To me. To them. To yourself. The hour grows long, and time is scarce. Keep steady your grip, no matter what may come..."

As I take the hand in the mirror in my own, everything fades to black once more, I feel my eye drift closed.

"Soon, my dear, you will finally experience a life better than the one you once had... soon."


Authors note: I'm doing this on a whim, updates will be inconsistent if not very far apart, and will only show up when I feel the motivation to actually continue. But I'll try my best. Hope yall liked this btw :DD also it was called a religion the whole time, but just to be clear, it WAS just a cult.

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