it girls 💋

isabel fernandez
do you think she's seen the comments?

gigi hadid
idk how she could avoid them, they're everywhere

phoebe raynott
you guys know i can see what you're writing right?

gigi hadid

phoebe raynott

isabel fernandez
how are you holding up chiquitita?

phoebe raynott

isabel fernandez
yeah it's abba
you love abba
nevermind i was trying something

gigi hadid
ignore her
how are you?

phoebe raynott
i've been better

isabel fernandez
if you want we can go egg E news' office

phoebe raynott
that's not gonna fix anything
maybe tomorrow

gigi hadid
fuck enews

isabel fernandez
they literally have nothing better to do than stalk people and make up shit about their lives

gigi hadid
they're just mad they can't pull bitches and you can

phoebe raynott
i know they're bullshitters
but idk it just rlly hurts to see people who used to comment how much they love my music call me a slut

gigi hadid
i know how you feel
i remember when i got pregnant and everyone thought i was cheating and it wasn't zayn's

isabel fernandez
or when i broke up with cole and everyone took his side
society loves to hate women

gigi hadid
they do

phoebe raynott
thanks you guys

gigi hadid
just come home so we can give you a big hug
even zayn feels bad

isabel fernandez
woahwoah zayn has emotions?

gigi hadid
i was shocked too

isabel fernandez
anyways enough about that
how's the boytoy?
how was chicago?

phoebe raynott
it's been amazing
we're going out for dinner in an hour
but we've been at speakeasy's and doing touristy stuff all day

isabel fernandez
that's cute
fuck already

phoebe raynott
girl you don't think i'm trying?
this message was deleted

gigi hadid

isabel fernandez
jacob wants that pussy 🫶🏻

phoebe raynott
you're both in need of therapy

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