Chapter 12: Domain expansion..

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Asami Yes and i chose to follow you my lord.

Thaluta Yeah shes real loyal..

Satomi Mind explaining before I mix red and blue together?

(Y/n) Yeah sure just Asami, lower your cursed energy or else were gonna have a problem here.

Asami Yes..


Satomi Are you serious Thaluta? You barley told him you had a cult like group?

Thaluta It was not a cult you imbecile! And plus I wasn't even sure if they had survived all this time since I was locked away.

(Y/n) Yeah well now we got a extra curse at jujutsu high now.

Asami Is this the place where the sorcerers live?

Satomi Yeah so it's very dangerous for you to be here.

Asami I highly doubt that most of the sorcerers here would even scratch me.

(Y/n) Yeah but it's still not safe and I don't wanna deal with the higher ups.. okay Asami I have a place for you to stay at.

Asami Yes my lord?

(Y/n) There is a empty clan village north of here. Go there and stay there till I meet you again.

Asami Yes my lord!

Asami then raises her hands and as gusts of wind flow by. She then starts to rise as air visibly flows out of her feet and hands.

Asami I'll be waiting for you my lord.

Asami then flies away leaving satomi confused as ever.

Satomi Did she just fly?

(Y/n) Yeah she's the cursed spirit of the weather you know how people sometimes hate rainy days or sunny days-

Satomi Yes i know how curses work (y/n).

(Y/n) I bet you do!

Satomi ....are you mocking me-

Random sorcerer (y/n) and gojo-san!!

(Y/n) Huh? What's wrong?

Random sorcerer Fushiguro has returned with one of the first years dead!!

Both eyes of the two teachers widen as they rush towards where they feel fushiguro's cursed energy...


Both teachers now sit in a morgue alongside Ijichi where Yuji's corpse now lays.

Ijichi I'm so sorry.. I warned them that fighting was not a option...

Satomi It's alright... besides it was intentional.

Ijichi What do you mean?

Those red and blue eyes..    female gojo x male reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora