"Same," says Mattheo, showing a tiny smile. 

"Seriously? Sick," I smile. I won't be alone at all. The rest off them have different classes, except for Care of Magical Creatures.

"Shit," says Theo.

"Yeah," echo Blaise and Enzo.

Me and Mattheo head out for Transfiguration a few minutes later. We walk quietly. The hallways are crowded, so I grab the strap of his bag so I don't lose him. He turns back with a scared look on his face.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. We're almost there."

I shrug it off, and let him guide me through the crowds to the classroom we're supposed to be in. We squeeze our way through the door.

"Where do you want to sit?" He asks without looking at me.

"Somewhere at the back. I hate not being able to see what's going on around me," I say, pointing out a vacant desk in a corner.

"Me too," he says, grabbing my arm to pull me to the desk. Now I'm looking away and blushing. Godric, what is wrong with me today? He is just a boy. It's not like you've never had a friendship with one before, but he's just a boy, right? Just a boy.

McGonagall, presumably the teacher of this subject, shouts for quiet and tells us to get out our books. I pull out the thick copy of The Standard Book of Spells, Grade Four. 

We turn to chapter one. I finish it in a few minutes, so I just sit and doodle on some scrap parchment. After a minute I realize I'm absent mindedly sketching Mattheo's face, and I snatch the paper, my face burning red, and stuff it into my bag.

McGonagall peers over my shoulders. "Done already, Miss Malfoy?"

I jump a little, since I didn't see her. "Yes, Professor."

"Excellent, you may complete the chapter quiz," she says, handing me a packet of paper. I nod.

I finish that too, in only a few minutes. This is the easiest Transfiguration class I've ever taken. I guess Hogwarts is a lot more relaxed than Beaxbatons. I get up and hand McGonagall my packet. I feel like everyone in the room is staring at me. "Done already? My, I am impressed, Miss Malfoy," McGonagall says, pulling down her spectacles to grade the test.

I look up to see half the class staring at me with sour looks on their faces. I walk back to my seat and lay my head down on the desk, intending to just take a nap for the rest of the class. I feel a jab in my ribs and look up to see Mattheo eying me curiously.

"How did you do that?" He whispers.

"Do what?"

"Finish so fast?"

"I dunno, I just did," I shrug. 

"You're incredible," Mattheo laughs quietly. "I mean, no. You're smart, that's all."

I raise my eyebrows. "Really? Thanks, Riddle."

"Help me?" He asks.

"Sure," I say. I direct him on the answers to the rest of the questions on the quiz, and he's the second one to finish after me.

After he turns in his paper, we just sit in awkward silence for a minute before he says, "So... I know like nothing about you."

I laugh quietly. "Yeah, you too. Ask me something."

"What's your favorite color?" 

I let out a real laugh this time. McGonagall shushes us. I put my hand over my mouth. What a silly question, but I guess it can tell you a lot about a person . "Green, I think."

"Fitting, you being an Slytherin," he says.

"Not that kind of green. Something softer, more natural. Like the woods. Moss, and trees and grass," I say. "What about you?"


"Like Weasly's hair?" I laugh, pointing with my thumb towards Harry Potter and Ron Weasly across the classroom. 

"Ha-ha," he laugh sarcastically. "No, something softer, like your green. More like, a sunset, y'know?"

I nod. I do know. "What do you do for fun?" I ask.

"Whatever the gang is doing, I guess," he shrugs. "We mess around a lot. Y'know, go to parties, hang around the school grounds. Whatever seems interesting at the time."

"I didn't know parties were allowed here," I say. 

"They're not. But no one really cares," He winks at me.

"Oh, I get it. You and your gang, A bunch of bad boys, huh?" I laugh.

"Lighten up. I think you'll have a lot more fun."

"Someday I'll take you up on that offer, Riddle. But not today."

The bell rings. We stand. We go.

You With the Red Curls, You with the Watercolor EyesWhere stories live. Discover now