𝟏𝟔 - 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks that you're special, by the way," Max replied, gently pushing Charles away from him. "Don't you have the longest contract in Ferrari history? They really think you're the chosen one."

"You're a wizard, Harry." The blond joked, exaggerating the tone of his voice to match the speech in the quote of the movie as he stepped out of the bed. "To them, I'm probably a Malfoy kind of deal." Max suggested, reaching out for Charles's hand to pull him out of bed. "No, even worse, Voldemort!" He raised his eyebrows. "You also feel something tingling whenever I'm close, I'm sure, but it's not your forehead scar," Max said, reaching down to tease a tickle on his stomach.

Charles made an attempt to hold back his laughter but a smile quickly pierced through and then a small hiccup of a laugh followed soon after. "You talk as if it's not a mutual tingling," the boy said, staying close to Max even after he'd helped him out of bed already and there wasn't much of a reason to keep holding on to him, he told himself it was from a safety point of view since he'd been in an accident earlier but really it all had to do with not wanting to waste any of their time together.

"I do think I would have been a good Harry Potter, my nemesis is also blond and a bit cocky," he joked back, leaning against the sink while the water for the shower began to run. His injuries weren't too bad aside from the bruising, but the events that took place between them left his walking feeling a bit odd.

Once the steam began to fill the room, Charles stepped into the warm shower, which immediately relaxed his muscles. With small noises of content, Charles let the water run through his hair and then down his body. His eyes remained closed until he felt Max's presence in the shower with him, causing his green eyes to flutter open and look up into the blue ones, his hand holding into the man's arm suddenly in need of support.

Max immediately reached out for the soap, spreading it across his hands until it foamed. "You scared me today," the blond confessed, taking the opportunity that the brunette had his back turned to him to say things he wouldn't have had the courage to otherwise. "When you crashed," he added, starting to spread the soap along the Monegasque back. "I got scared that maybe you had been badly injured," he continued, his hands contouring the curves of his muscles. "That's why I chased you down to the hospital building, I had to see for myself that you were okay," he concluded, wrapping his arms around the front of his body, using the excuse of spreading the soap to touch and shape his pecs.

"I didn't want to talk to you when I saw you," Charles admitted, leaning his head back just enough to have it near Max's, "then I realized how quickly you had made it to me, the race couldn't have been over for more than ten minutes and you were already right in front of me," He recalled, the water already washing away the soap that the other man had lathered on his body but Max's hands stayed on him which made the brunette never want to move away.

There was a question in the air that he didn't have the nerve to ask but as he felt the warmth of Max's body heat behind him and the gentle movements of his touch, the boy felt that maybe he already knew the answer.

"I know I'm starting last tomorrow but just don't be surprised when you see me in front of you, I think it could be a nice challenge especially now that I'll practically be unstoppable," he teased, turning his body to face the other man and smile up at him, the water droplets running down both of their bodies .

Maybe it was true what Kelly accused him of. No matter how much Charles teased him about getting ahead, Max never truly saw him as a threat. The world champion would never fully believe in the possibility of losing, but the idea of having to fight for it excited him nonetheless.

"Oh, I'm sure it'll be a nice challenge," The blond flicked his eyebrow, answering sarcastically as a warm smile carved the corners of his cheeks, "I hope to at least see you on that podium." he whispered, the water beginning to pour over his own head as he pushed Charles to step back, giving him a turn at the shower. "If you get there I promise to invite you to my party," he proposed, running his hand over his own face, wiping the excess water away.

"If you don't get there then I guess I'll have to invite whoever else is on the podium with me," Max provoked him, stepping into him.

At the mention of others at the podium alongside Max, a spark of competitiveness flickered through Charles' green eyes and took a step closer to Max, the water dripping down both their bodies now. "I think you meant to say when I get there, not if," he whispered into the space between them, the corner of his lips up in a small smile as he teased the man.

"Were you already planning to take another driver to the bathroom with you if you thought I didn't stand a chance?" Charles asked, their faces inches apart. His eyes momentarily flicked down to Max's lips before reaching for the man's body under the excuse of washing off the soap on him. With a quick kiss to Max's lips, Charles took a step back and made sure his own body was clear.

"Let's get out of here. I'm going to need lots of sleep to celebrate my win tomorrow," he said with a smile on his face. Starting last wasn't ideal, but conversations with Max always brought back the fire that fueled his racing and made him remember that he was here for a reason.

Max picked out a towel, brushing it against his hair before he moved on to dry the rest of his body. While drying himself, he heard a phone ring and quickly moved out of the bathroom, wrapping his towel around his hips as he tried to find his own phone amongst the trashed mess of clothes.

Once he had it in his hands, the blond was relieved to see the contact name as the one of Lando. Looking across the room to spot Charles, Max picked up the call, hearing a rather unenthusiastic voice on the other side of the phone.

"Did I interrupt your fucking?" The English driver asked on the call.

"No, what is it?" Max asked, resting his eyes on the figure of Charles.

"I'm leaving, will you want the ride back home?" Lando asked.

"Already?" Max raised his eyebrow, his voice sounding slightly disappointed.

"Yeah, already, are you coming or not?" He debated.

"I'll be outside, give me five." Max stated, turning off the call.

"I need to go." The blond whispered, dropping his towel to pick up his clothes — he would leave the very same way he came in.

"Already?" Charles asked softly, moving closer to his side of the room and in that moment he despised their arrangement because he knew he'd never have the right to ask the man about his whereabouts. He had no claim over him and even if the answer was that he had plans afterwards it's not like he could beg him to stay— his mind seemed to be made up.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," he attempted to keep his voice as monotone as possible but there was a small quiver in it that could not be mistaken for anything other than sadness. "Are you sure you can't stay?" He asked, a futile last attempt at keeping him longer and using it as a subtle way to ask that his other plans be postponed for a couple more moments together— a selfish ask, but one that Charles couldn't stop himself from asking.

"Or is the person picking you up insistent that you leave now?" There was a tone of jealousy in his voice and his green eyes were wide as he watched Max's face,  scanning it for any reactions.

As Max finished dressing himself up, he furrowed his eyebrows at the question. "I didn't tell you? Lando came with me," he pointed out, looking around to make sure he didn't leave anything behind.

"I kind of needed a decoy to show up here," he shrugged, placing his phone back into his pocket. "I think we both need to get some rest anyways," he said, approaching the brunette in order to hold the side of his face. "I'll see you at the track," he said, letting his touch melt to his chin before it slipped away, leaving to the door. The same way he arrived, he left.

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