it's almost almost evening i wanna fix everything now about our relationship...

i grabbed my phone and called ruhi

ring 2
ring 3


RUHI-hy sia how are u ?

me- hy ruhi im fine but yaar gave me idea please

ruhi-what happen everything alright?

me- actually today in office vihaan kissed me and now he is behaving he don't know me and even i got to know about his secret when he was drunk and i really wanna gave this relationship a chance and wanna fix everything just help me out yrr and moreover my feelings for him are like i even don't know what kind  of feelings they are...
please yaar help me out to sout out this...

ruhi-cool down bbes alot of questions in once (chuckled)

me - yahh please ruhi

ruhi- fine fine oke listen to me my stupid bestie it's great u know about his side story too and u will not blame anyone now without thinking anything and u regret it's enough my bestio vihaan jiju will forgive u okey don't worry ....

me-how u re that much sure i said alot to him..

ruhi-im ur bestie right ik don't worry and yahh now listen mee..

about ur feelings u have to find out urself just be with him spend time with him whatever u felt with him will itself reveal about ur feelings towards him...
ik what are those feelings and why but i want u find it ourself oke
don't think much just spend time with him...

me-um okee but how ? u know he always busy in his work

ruhi- *chuckles* my cute bestie just ask me for a date and make his day special and remember it just get ur feelings soon before it's late oke

me-oke thanks and btw hows rudra and where that dumbster is normally he stuck with u always like magnet...

ruhi- yahh he is working on a project u called me so i came out of room u know na before our love story we want to be something...

me-yes oke bye i will ask him today about date thank you myyyyy bbe

ruhi-bye take care we will meet again one day.

me- yes bye

after call i felt some threads to be untangle and i got a way to start our relationship
yes she is right i have to spend timw with vihaan to know him to understand him and importantly to know about my feelings...

i was coming out of office while searching about date ideas in my phone while i bumped on someone and closed my eyes tightly to feel the pain in my ass...
but I didn't feel anything but i felt someone hands on my waist holding me...

i was coming out of office while i saw sia she was walking while busy in phone
"dumb girl"- i mummered and face palmed myself
i stand near her to got her attention but she was damn busy in her stupid phone and she bumped me and about to fall
but how can i let her fall!
i grab her small waist by my veiny and big hands and pulled her near me

overtake the throneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant