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𝐘/𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐯
He reached over and grabbed my chin to make me look at him. I was surprised.. I didn't know he was gonna do that. "Hey it's okay, you'll be alright okay?" he spoke softly "Okay, but if I fell I'm not speaking to you" I said jokingly "Oh please you wont be able too. you love talking to me love" he said letting go of my chin getting off the car to go to my side. while me on the other side, shocked of what he called me. he called me love. I flinched a bit when he opened my door for me to get off once I got off the car we went inside the ice rank and we went straight to the counter to get our ice skates this is my first time ice skating I really nervous what if I fell and embarrassed myself but it's fine cause he said I can hold onto him.

Once we got our skate, we sit down to put them on, but I was struggling I guess he noticed it "Do you need help tying them?" He asked I simply just nodded. "I know you're nervous I got you okay, trust me" he said giving me a small smile as he tied them for me. He stood up and he lend me his hand so I can hold it so I wouldn't fall "Yea I know thank you for helping me" I replied "Yea anytime little moon" he said smiling

Once we were in the ice, I started to shaking "Here hold my hand" he said putting his hand out so I can hold on. I grabbed his hands to steady myself and we started skating. Surprisingly I was doing a pretty good job still a little shaking up i've also noticed that his hands was soft and warm that just makes me sound crazy.

-10𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅-

"Am I let go now I think I got the hang of it" I said to him letting his hand go I started skating away, and I actually did got it. He was right besides me just in case I fell. "Look you see you do got it" he said chuckling "I'm surprised I mean since it's my first time" i said I almost fell but i grabbed onto him before I did "Oh be careful now little moon don't want you falling now right love?" he said holding onto me by the waist "R-right I think it's time for us to leave, it seems like they are closing" I said but why the hell did I stutter I never stutter.. "You're right let's go I'll lead the way so you wouldn't fall lol" he said now holding my hand and skating straight to the exit but slowly, so I wouldn't fall. once we exit the ice rink, we sit down to take off the skate once he
took off his skates. He took mine off, because I still didn't know how to take them off LOL. (I would've asked what are we after that💔)

I started putting my shoes on, and we went straight to the exit walked towards the car he opened the door for me and I got in. He went to his side and started turning on the car. I've noticed that we were going to a little park. we just stayed there for a bit at the parking lot "we are here come on let's go" he said while getting off the car . I got off the car walking beside him we went straight to the swings

i've always liked the night, it gave me comfort especially the stars and the moon, wait talking about the moon I should take a picture of it. It looks really pretty tonight I took out my phone and started taking pictures of the moon. "I've noticed that you like taking pictures of the moon, is there any reason behind it?" He asked softly "no not really but it just give me comfort plus it's pretty my dad would talk to me about the moon and the stars before he..nvm that"i said still looking at the moon smiling softly "oh I see" he said wondering why you stopped mid sentence about your dad but he let it slide. Since it's none of his business and it's probably a sensitive to talk about. "it's getting late we should get you home i don't want your mom to get worried about you" he said standing up waiting for me to stand up also and we both started walking to the car. Once we got there, he open the door for me and he went to his side and started turning on the car. We just sat there in a comfortable silence. I was pretty tired. I close my eyes for a bit.

I felt the car come to a stop realize that we're already at my place "thank you for today I really had fun with you"I said smiling softly getting off the car closing the door "me too maybe we should hang out more or maybe we could just stay at my place one day and have a sleepover if your mom is okay with it" he said also smiling "okay I'll let you know bye drive safe" I said "bye goodnight little moon" he said driving off. I went inside the house to let my mom know that I got home safe I went straight to bed. I was really tired but I was thinking about today. I really had fun.

I've noticed that I put too much "so" let ignore that😋anyways thank you for 1.39k reads🥹❤️ now let's continue this story yall💪🏼


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