Chapter eleven: Mercenaries

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As soon as we walked out of the secret staircase we got shot at. Thankfully they miss. They really do be hiring men that don't know how to shoot.

I hide behind a small stone wall. I take out my gun and reload it as I take a peak now and then to see how many men we need to take care of. I put my flashlight in my mouth as I reload. I duck as a bullet flies past my head. I stay calm and turn off the safety on my gun.

"Spread out, you know the drill." One man yells out to the others.

"Shit." Nate whipers as he takes out his rifle.

"They open the gate up there." Sam whispers, pointing at the gate of where we need to go.

"Good, cause that's the way we need to go." Nate replies. "Follow my lead." He whispers. Tons of bullets fly past as Nat tries to crawl away. I pull him back. All our eyes widen in fear. "Thanks." Nate says while gulping. I let out a nervous laugh in response.

We decided to spit up. Take them down silently and quickly. I crawl to the tall grass. Pushing the dead brown grass slightly as I walk. I see a man up ahead. I quickly run up behind me and put him in a head lock. I look around as I do so, scanning for more men. The man stops struggling in my grasp and I slowly let his body hit the ground. I take his ammo and run to another hiding spot.

I see two men up ahead. I see Sam up to my left. I nod at him as we slowly go up behind them and take them both out silently. Pulling them into the tall grass so they are hidden.


"Come on!" Nate yells as we are now being shot at. We run to the door and barrack it behind us so the others don't get through. I let out a series of breaths as I lean up against a rock wall.

"I really miss my bow." I mutter.

"How is everyone doing?" Nathan asks.

"Peachy." I reply.

"Great. Was kinda hoping to find the treasure back there. But, you know, it's never that easy." Sam says while trying to catch his breath.

"That's been my experience." Nat replies to Sam.

"Plus there was that cool constellation thing." Sam says

"Yeah, it was cool." I say to Sam.


We climb up tons of rock and even balanced upon beams.

"Right under that hight cross. That's where Avery wants us." Nathan says while looking up at the tall snowy mountain.

"Well, what Avery wants, Avery gets." Sam replies.

"Kid what's your status?" Sully asks through my radio.

"Hey Sully! We're on the trail, but that treasure's closer to the cathedral then we originally thought." I explain.

"Oh, boy. So what do you need me to do?" Sully asks.

"Just keep those engines warm. We'll be back before too long." Nate says to the radio.

"You got it! Keep me posted." Sully says before ending the call.


I climb up the cold rock. Nathan up ahead and Sam near me. My nails scrap the rock as I pull myself up. I lift my leg up as I lift my body up as well.

The adventure was quite awkward between me and Sam.

"Hey." Sam says while walking next to me.

"Hey." I mutter. Keeping my eyes peeled out for any more Shoreliners.

"Look, I am sorry. I was going to go to you myself. But, I didn't want you involved in this." Sam says while looking at me with puppy dog eyes. He knows that's my weakness.

"But I am here now aren't I." I reply sharply.

"Lara. You can trust me. I wanted to go to you first. You were the only person I was mostly thinking about while being locked away in that prison. The only thing keeping me going, was you." He explains. I gulp as I take in all the information.

"Its going to take some time." I reply. Tears started to fill up my eyes and leak out of them onto my soft skin. Sam slowly wipes them away as he nods. His callused hands against my skin. It felt like he had never left. His face was close to mine. His breath was hot against my skin. He leans in and kisses my forehead. His dry, cold lips on my skin. I press my lips together as I flash a small smile. He does the same before continuing to walk.


Nate throws his rope to a tree branch. Pulling it to make sure it's sturdy. He goes, then I go, and then Sam. My hands grip the rope as I jump and swing across the canyon. The water being roughly pushed against the rocks below. I jump onto the platform, my feet hitting the ground as i tumble and roll.

"Shh, patrol up ahead." Nat whipers. There were only two men so we shot them. Cold blooded, I know. They have families and lovers. But, they chose the wrong side and wrong job. They knew what they were signing up for.

As we climbed the rock Sam helped Nathan up.

"Where would you be without me, huh?" Sam asks smugly.

"Uh, probably at home, drinking hot coco." Nat replies.

"What are you, five?" Sam says while giggling like a little girl.

"Oh, so you're telling me you wouldn't go for some hot coco right now." Nat bites back.

"Well, I mean, yeah." Sam says while rubbing his stomach as it growls.

"Exactly." Nat says.


We run to the explosion to find a couple of Nadine's men. As we did before we took them down and even had to shoot some. There wasn't as many to take care of which made it easier for us. I shoot a guy, right in his face, bullseye. Gory but, cool!

"Everyone alright?" Nat asks. We all nod as we continue to the cathedral.

"Kid, storms picking up. How's it looking?" Sully asks.

"We're about to head into the cave. So, we might lose signal for a bit. Don't worry to much." Nat explains.

"Alright, I'll keep the porch light on for ya." Sully replies.

"Alright, see ya soon." Nat says before ending the call. The cave entrance was straight ahead. "We made it. It's quite the detour." He says as we all make our way down the dark gloomy passageway and into the cave.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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