First meet

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HEY IM AGAIN HERE! So i decided to post this but warning, this one is very bad, i swear the writting is bad and the content worse than the writting. Well I'm literally embarrased that I finally posted this one lol. Don't judge me, I wrote this a long time ago, I think that now I have better ideas and better writting idk. It contains a little trames too. Anyway, enjoy it xxx

I was nervous.

First, Tristan, James and me decided to ask this little cute scottish boy called Connor to enter our band.

Secondly, this boy agreed; he was coming tonight and it was the first time that we were going to see him (we only talked through skype).

Thirdly, I have to share room with him tonight in the hotel. And... i think i have a little crush on him.

 I've never liked nobody. My heart was like a stone until this fluffy-haired boy caught my eye. The first time that we talked, he was stuttering and his scottish accent was so cute and my heartbeats increased so fast... I couldnt help it.I hope that Connor isnt that cute in real life. Because if he is, i think i could stay up all night so i could see his face while he sleeps and OMG CALM DOWN BRAD.

 We were waiting for him on the Starbucks next to the hotel where we were staying. We all had his number, although actually we only talked with him through James' phone.James' phone buzzed:

 'I'm arriving at Starbucks. Are you there? Xx'We answered him quickly and I started tapping the floor with my shoe. I couldnt keep calm.

And then, we saw him. He entered the local with a bag on his back, cutely looking around until he saw us.

'Hey! Oh, I've imagined you taller than you actually are.' Tris said, and in my opinion, that sounded rude. The boy was as short as me, but he was still beautiful. 

'Nice to meet you, Con.' James hugged Con. 

 '...Welcome to London.' I finally said, sounding pathetic. Connor's eyes met mine and his timid smile made me gasp. 

 'Hi, Tristan, James, Brad. Nice to meet you.' he finally said, sounding nervous. 

 'Should we sit now and have a starbuck? I'm cold and i need one.' Tris said, looking at the rain outside the local.We sat there and we all asked for one: me and James chocolate, Tris vanilla and Connor, strawberry.I couldnt stop looking at him. He was playing with his fingers, actually too scared to say anything. Meanwhile, Tris and James were arguing between what was better (chocolate or vanilla). This boys will never grow up. 

I started talking with Con. I was trying to see him like a friend, not like a crush. But his lips were so pink, and maybe they were soft and... calm down Brad. 

 'Connor, have you ever come to London?' I asked, trying to be friendly so Connor would be less timid. 

 'Eh, no, n-never. This is my first time.'That phrase invited me to think. First time, first time. Omg what if he's virgi-BRAD DONT THINK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT. 

 'So, Connor, you will share room with Brad tonight. Are you okay with that?' James asked. I suddenly felt bad. What if he doesnt want to share a room with me? 

 'I'm perfect with that.' when I heard that, my heart just melt.Okay, i definitely have more than a crush on him.I watched him while he was drinking; he had milk on his upper lip because of his starbuck and he didn't realize it. Let's be honest: that was super cute. 

 'Con, you have milk on your upper lip.' I said smiling at him; he turned embarrassed, licking his lip.Dont look at his tongue dont look at his tongue BRADLEY WILLIAM SIMPSON CALM DOWN.We finally decided to comeback to the hotel. Tris and James were inseparable today; they were like always laughing at each other and I was left alone with Connor. I liked this. 

 We were walking next to each other, talking about his life and other stuff. His little scottish accent was notable.I noticed that he was shivering. And then, I realized that he was only wearing a hoodie, although the weather was freezing. 

'CONNOR!' I shouted, scaring the boy, who looked at me with surprise 'sorry, i didnt mean to scare you, but you are shivering!'He started laughing. I didnt know exactly why he was laughing; maybe for my shouts. Anyway his laugh was adorable. 

'D-dont worry, I-Im o-ok.' he was stuttering again because of the cold. I took off my coat and pulled it over his arms, trying to keep him warm. 'Brad, it's n-not n-necessary. You're g-going to get a cold.'

 'You're the only one who is getting a cold if you don't accept my coat. Shut up and take it.' I said with a smile. The boy finally accepted my coat.We reached our hotel and we went to our room.  'Are you sleepy? Because I am.' i said, falling into the bed. Then, i realized: there was only one bed. Oh Jesus FANTASTIC. 

'Where should I get changed?' his sweet voice was getting confidence. 

 'The bathroom is there, at the left.' 

 'Alright, thanks Brad.'And my imagination started to fly. Behind that door, Connor was almost naked. Brad he's only 16, stop it.He came back from the bathroom; his pyjama consisted in a sweatshirt that showed his milky skin and a pair of black trousers. His skin was so white compared to mine. 

 'It's time to put my pyjama on.' i said with a smile. But... 'Connor... I always sleep on a tshirt and my... underwear, but... Are you ok with that?' i asked, blushing. 

'It's fine, Brad. You can do what ever you want.' he said with a sweet smile.I quickly changed in the bathroom and then i came back to the bedroom. Connor was getting in the bed.I entered the bed at the same time, trying to give Connor his space on the shared bed.I looked at him. He was looking at me smiling. 

 'What?' I asked nervous. 

'N-nothing. Well, I wanna say something, but it's gonna sound pathetic.' he looked down. 

'No no, tell me. You cant say anything pathetic through that lips.' BRAD BRAD SHUT UP.But he smiled fondly, and my heart became liquid. 

'I... I'm so happy of being here in London with you. I'm finally in The Vamps and i wanna say a big thank you to you and all the boys.' he said with a tiny voice.I couldnt keep calm. I pulled him in a hug, laughing of his cuteness. I felt the happiness running through my veins when he hugged me back. 

'Connor, we are so glad that you accepted being the bassist. So... we also thank you.'We finally put appart from the hug, saying good night, and we turned off the lights.

It was midnight when I woke up, feeling something beside me moving. I looked at my back and I saw Connor shivering. Damn, I dont want him to get a cold.I got up from the bed, looking for more sheets around the room until I finally crashed with a chair.

'B-Brad?' sht, sleepy Con was awake. 

'Connor, you are shivering. I'm looking for more sheets for you.' 

'Dont worry, B-Brad. I'm ok. C-Come to the bed again.' I looked at him, getting in the bed, and had an incredible idea. 

'Connor... Do you want me to get closer, so I can keep you warm?' I hopefully asked with a sweet voice. 

 'Y-yeah, that w-would be amazing.'I came closer, hugging the back of the boy against me; and then he cuddled me, pressing his body against mine. I could feel his cold skin against my arms and his breath against my neck.

That was too for me.I hugged the boy, passing my hand through his fluffy hair. It was so soft. 

 'Thank you, Brad. Why are you so caring?' he said with a sleepy voice. I could feel his lips moving against the skin of my neck. 

'Because I like you, and I want to make you happy.' i answered sincerelly. 

 'I like you too, Brad.' he said, finally falling asleep. 

 You don't like me in the way I like you, Con. But, trust me, one day you will. I won't give up.

Sorry for this one lol, the next one will be better than this I promise (I'm writting it right now hahah) anyway love you lots xx

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