Chapter 2

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My mom knocked on my door "Safa!" she said. "Yes mom" I said opening the door. "Sweetie, what's wrong, your eyes are red and you're boiling hot" she said touching my forehead. "I'm fine mom, I'm just not feeling too well" I said as I walked downstairs. "Tell me, so like that maybe I can help you" said my mom brushing my hair out of my eyes. "No one can help me, this isn't something that can be solved easily mom!" I said slamming the door from the restroom. "Safa, open the door, please, what's wrong?" asked my mom worried. "Leave me alone!" I said. I washed my face and got in the shower. After I was done, I got a towel from the cabinet and wrapped it around my hair. Then I got one for my body and I walked to my room and got ready for school. I wish I wouldn't have to go back there ever again. I opened the door and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down in the table. The house was extremely quiet. When I was finished, I grabbed my backpack from the floor which is where I left it yesterday. 

I walked to school and when I got there, I tried to hide from Riley and Damen. I hid behind a locker. "Hi Safa" said Damen. "You scared me!" I said. "Are you trying to hide from someone" said Damen raising an eyebrow. "No, no I...I was just thinking"  I said. "About what?" asked Damen. "Oh just dumb stuff" I said  as I started walking to class. He was walking beside me. "So, how have you been?" asked Damen curiously. "I've been okay" I said trying to talk the least that I could "and you?" "I've been great" he said as we got to my class. "You'd better go in, I don't think you wan't to be late." "Thank's" I said as I walked in. "See you at lunch" he said while waving. "Bye" I said as I walked to my chair. I got in line to get my lunch, when out of nowhere, Damen appeared. We weren't talking until the lunch lady asked us if we wanted an apple or an orange. "I'll take an apple" said Damen. "Me too" I said quickly after him.

We were done grabbing our food when Damen said "Safa, I know we just met, but you're a beautiful person in the inside and outside" he said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Do you wan't to go out with me?" asked Damen. I don't know how it happen, but my plate fell. I quickly bent down to pick up what had fell, so did Damen. At one point, our eyes met and for some reason it reminded me of the first day of school. His beautiful blue eyes looked into mine, I got nervous so I quickly looked away. We threw everything in the trash. We walked to the table and I still didn't say anything. "I, I don't know, I'm confu-" I said as he cut me off. "Confused?" he said looking at me. "I have to think about it...please just give me some time" I said as I walked  away. I wanted to look back, but I couldn't, I just couldn't look back at him after what had just happened.

As I walked home, Riley caught up to me. "Hey" she said while skipping. "Hi" I said trying not to look at her. "Why are you walking so fast?" said Riley trying to keep my pace. "Today is friday" I said "my mom's making a special dish." I just told her that so that she wouldn't ask anymore. "Cool, so what have you been up to?" said Riley. "Nothing much" I said. I don't know if I should tell Riley what happened, or keep it a secret. "I have to tell you something" I said bitting my lip. "What?" asked Riley looking at me. "Um, your hair looks nice today" I said, luckily we were getting closer to my house. "Thanks, I guess" said Riley. She hugged me and whispered in my ear "If you ever wan't to tell me anything, I mean anything at all, you tell me okay, that's what friends are for" she said. "Thanks" I said "I know." "Bye" said Riley waving at me. "Bye" I said waving back. I closed the door, leaned against it, and slid down until I was sitting on the floor. What am I going to do? I have many things to think about, but it's too hard! How can I pick between a friendship and Damen. Why, why did this have to happen to me? I got up to go to my room, when suddenly the bell rang.

I opened the door and there was no one there. On the floor there was a card. I opened it and read it "Hey Safa, I don't know how long you need to think about it, but I just can't resist your beautiful hazel colored eyes and your caramel colored hair. I don't know how hard I have to try to get you to say yes, but whatever it takes, I will do it. Sincerely Damen." Another thing that really scares me is that I've never had a boyfriend before, and I've never had my first kiss. Is he, Damen that person. I closed the door and walked upstairs to my room. My mom is using the restroom and my dad is working I guess. I closed the door to my room and I couldn't resist but give a kiss to the note. "Oh Damen, If you just knew" I said laying across my bed looking at the ceiling. 

Saturday and Sunday passed and I couldn't stop thinking about the note, Damen, and Riley. It's so hard, and I don't wan't anyone's feeling's to get hurt. Eventhough mine are trying to. I got ready and headed to school. The first person I spotted was Damen. He was standing in the front door of the school and he looked as if he were waiting for someone. He also had his hands behind him as if he were holding something. I thought if I should go around and walk in through the back gate, but I just kept going. "Hi Safa" said Damen. "Hi" I said as I stopped walking. "Was three days enough to think about it" he said. "I" I said. "You, look beautiful today, the same as every other day" said Damen holding out a red rose. "Thankyou" I said grabbing it and smelling it. "I like you, and I would like to be with you" said Damen as he closed his eyes and leaned into me. I heard my name and quickly turned, well we both did. 

"You know him!" said Riley "How could you do this to me" said Riley as millions of tears rushed down her cheeks. "Who is she?" asked Damen "What is she talking about?" "I have to go Damen, I'm sorry" I said as my eyes started getting wattery. This is exactly what I didn't wan't to happen, I thought. I walked in trying to find Riley when the bell rang and the hall got crowded with people. I walked to my class, but Riley wasn't there. The class started and about ten minutes later, Riley walked in with her eyes looking sore red. "Why are you late to class Riley" asked Ms.Logby. "I ran into something that I wish I wouldn't have seen" said Riley looking at me. "It won't happen again, I promise" she said sitting into an empty seat near the back. When the class ended, I tried to talk to Riley, but she didn't answer so I had to go to class.

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