Chapter 2

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"Kunikuzushi! Come on, come on!" Y/n pulls his hand enthusiastically as they walk through a village during the night. Fireworks were shooting up into the night sky with beautiful colors and they reflected into Y/n's shining eyes.

"Wow! I've always wanted to see fireworks! They're so pretty, right, Kuni?!"

"Yeah, right." He says as he stares into her eyes. Her eyes which always managed to pull him in deeper than before. She laughs and pulls him through the crowd, he sighs but follows after without any complaints. They soon leave the crowded area and stop atop a hill where they can see everything play out in the lighted-up forest.

Y/n sits down gently and Kunikuzushi does too. They sit in silence just staring at the people and fireworks, completely in their own world. He subconsciously squeezes around the girl's hand harder to feel the comfort of her hand which calms him down.

"Hey, Kuni..." He turns his head to the side, "I don't feel so good..." His eyes widen as he sees blood trickle down her mouth, the shine of metal catching his attention. He glances down to see the tip of a katana impaling her chest and he feels her hand go cold. He looks behind them and sees [redacted] behind them.

He hears a crack and looks down at his hand, seeing that he had crushed Y/n's hand during his anger at seeing [redacted]. He hears Y/n begin to scream and yell and her tears run down her cheeks. "Y/n! Y/n!!" He yells out and grabs her shoulders. [Redacted] had left the scene and took his katana with him, allowing Y/n to bleed all over herself.

Kunikuzushi picks her up in his arms and runs down the hill. "Help! Please, help her! Please!" He screams and goes up to people but they all ignore him, and he feels tears begin to build up in his eyes as he feels Y/n's body go colder and colder. He continues to run around and scream for help, all the while Y/n goes silent. "No, no, no, no! Y/n! Stay awake! I'm going to help you, so please, just stay awake! You'll be fine! Y/n!"

Her head which was lying against his chest goes limp and falls back, laying uncomfortably over his arm instead. "Y/n? No! Y/n, wake up! Wake up, damn it! Don't die on me!"

The sun stood before him. "[Redacted]. [Redacted]? [Redacted]? [Redacted]." The sun left and it took it with it.

Kunikuzushi felt his anger rise to a new level, and he screamed with all his might, falling to his knees in misery. "I'm sorry, Y/n..."

It made me leave  [Kunikuzushi x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now