"Maybe your perfect brother shouldn't go about blinding people if he doesn't want expelled." Annick spat at Michele and Simone before going off to speak to Pichon.

"What a horrible thing for her to say! Don't listen to her Michele, the board will look at your handsome and smart and beautiful and well mannered brother and beg for him to stay!" Simone was overly dramatic and clutched Michele's arms in an attempt to convince the uncertain girl.

"If he wasn't so mean, there is something rather appealing to him." Marie-Madeleine said rather dreamily, as her head rested in her hand and she stared off to where the one eyed boy sat.

"What?" Michele said incredulously.

"Descamps." Marie repeated, cocking her head to the side to examine the boy from afar.

"I suppose but he is evil and nonetheless Jean-Pierre is much better looking!" Simone added.

"I do agree." Marie smiled slightly, still shocked that Michele was Jean-Pierre's sister. They looked nothing alike.

"Stop, please! That is my brother!" Michele said whilst laughing, this being the first time she did not look worried all day.

"But anyway, Descamps." Marie returned.

"What about him? Despite him being pure evil." Michele said, glaring intensely at the bully.

"He is handsome, even with the eye patch - in fact, I would say it quite suits him."

"Yes, because he is a pirate!" Simone sneered.

"No, he just looks rugged with it. And he is tall."

"Tall is good." Michele breathed, turning to look at a different group of boys in their class. A group that contained Alain Labrauc, the foster boy.

"Yes, and his hair is long."

"Long hair is good." Michele was like a broken record mixed with a parrot the way she mindlessly agreed with Marie.

"I would never, he really isn't my type but upon first glance he is easy on the eyes." Marie concluded.

"What is your type, Marie? Oh, I am in love with Tonheston - he is just divine, the man of my dreams!" Simone started on another one of her tangents.

Tonheston?, Marie thought, turning to look at Michele and noticing that she looked just as confused.

"I mean, imagine! He comes here, he sees me, we fall in love, and then he sees the bruise on my thigh." Simone's head fell down in faux disappointment.

"I don't know who you are talking about." Michele laughed.

"Tonheston. Really?"

"Who is that?" Marie asked.

"Charles Tonheston. Ben-Hur, Touch of Evil?" Simone listed off the movies starring Charlton Heston, causing Marie to laugh.

"Hang on, you mean Charlton Heston?" Michele corrected her.

"Yes!" Simone exclaimed.

"Simone, his first name is Charlton not Charles." Marie told the girl.


"Before you show him your thigh, you better get his name right!" Michele laughed.

"The seniors are out, I am going to try and find my brother." Marie said, noticing the flush of older students in the courtyard now.

Just as Marie had gotten up to search for her brother, she turned around and walked flush into someone on the steps behind her, causing the girl to stumble forward slightly.

"Excuse me." Marie apologised, keeping her head down low.

"It's nothing." The somewhat familiar voice of Jean-Pierre blessed her ears, and she looked up to see the handsome boy.

Consciously, Marie applauded herself for looking so presentable at that moment. Marie was wearing a nice navy dress which hugged her figure well, but was still appropriate for school, and her light blonde hair was held back with a matching headband.

Marie smiled knowingly at Jean-Pierre, wishing him good luck and then leaving to try find her brother once more.

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