surface. But then, you're familiar with that type of defense mechanism,
aren't you?"
My cheeks heat and feeling a little chastised, I drop the topic. I focus
instead on her and what she's been up to. She tells me about her family,
showing me pictures of her daughters.
"They look like you," I note affectionately, her girls having inherited her
"You should come visit sometimes," she adds, her voice full of warmth.
"Maybe," I reply vaguely. Given the dangerous situation I currently find
myself in, I don't think it would be the safest course of action to bring them
into this mess.
We make some more small talk before she tells me she has to go since
her husband is waiting for her. And as I lead her outside of the building, she
gives me one more hug before we part ways. But not before she adds
"Be careful with Michele, Raf. He's... He's not well."
"I know. Trust me, I know. I'll see you around," I tell her, kissing both
her cheeks.
As I get back in the car, Noelle is looking at me with distaste in her
eyes. Huddled at the far end of the car seat, she's trying to put as much
distance between us—again.
"Don't worry," I wave my hand flippantly. "I won't bite—this time." I
wink at her before turning and ignoring her as I try to absorb what just
happened, and the fact that I saw my sister for the first time in over twelve
"Why? Don't tell me you're too tired," she snaps, and I regard her with
raised brows, surprised at the vehemence in her voice.
"Too tired?" I repeat, a little confused.
"That was quite the quickie, golden boy," she crosses her arms over her
"She's married, you know," she shakes her head at me, disgust written
all over her face.
It takes me a moment until it finally dawns on me what she's talking
about, confusion leaving way to amusement at her reaction.

"Why? Jealous?" I taunt, and her eyes flash aggressively at me. "Maybe
I have a thing for married women," I shrug as I continue to bait her,
enjoying the way she's getting so riled up over nothing.
"You..." she grits her teeth. "I like her. If she cancels on me because of
you, I'll kill you myself," she threatens, though I'm not sure how she means
to be taken seriously when she's five feet at best and a hundred pounds
soaking wet.
Even now, as she points at me with her finger, her stance that of a
warrior, I can only stifle my laughter for so long.
"Interesting," I muse, and she blinks repeatedly at my words.
"What?" She snickers.
"Just a few hours ago you were ready to become my victim," I smirk as
I come closer to her, all thoughts of Gianna and our encounter firmly out of
my mind. "But now you're willing to commit murder for your therapist?
My, my, Noelle," I whistle.
When I'm just a breath away from her she stiffens, her eyes shining with
a new resolve as she tries to stare at me unflinchingly.
"You can't have her," she repeats, fake confidence imbuing her harsh
"I can't?" I drawl, my amusement increasing by the second.
"No. You can't. So find another married woman, or whatever. Just not
my therapist," she continues with the fake bravado, and there's something to
be said about the way she's ready to die one moment, and appear so strong
the next.
Bringing the back of my hand to her cheek, I brush it ever so slightly
against her skin. Her breath hitches, her eyes growing in size as she meets
my eyes.
"You'll learn, Noelle, that the more you tell me I can't..." I trail off, a
slow smile spreading on my face, "the more I want to do it," I tell her on a
whisper before I'm off her.
I move back to my seat, continuing to ignore her as I see about my
business, but failing as the corner of my eye keeps straying to her and her
awestruck expression. I certainly try to ignore the way she grumbles under
her breath, her insults a melody to my ears.
Total annihilation of the heart...
Noelle claims to have no heart, yet that remains to be seen.

I sneak a glance at her, the mere fact of her being alive and well
offending me.
Yes, she will be crushed.
And I have just the way to do it.
It's when we reach the house, however, that I realize Noelle isn't the
simpleton I'd thought her to be.
When Cisco greets us, raising an eyebrow at his sister as he awaits the
report, she can barely hide her smug expression as she starts talking.
"I think therapy is good for me," she mentions, giving me an inscrutable
"Is that so?" Cisco asks, unconvinced.
"It is," she nods thoughtfully, "it helped me realize that my infatuation
with Raf was extremely shallow," she shakes her head ruefully. "I mean,
why would I like him just because of his good looks, right?"
"Right..." Cisco repeats slowly, confused, his eyes skittering from me to
"I admit I was taken aback by how handsome he is," she continues,
pursing her lips when she sees a smile erupt on my face.
"And?" Cisco asks impatiently.
"But he's so boring, Cisco," she cries out and my eyes widen in surprise.
"He's boring?" His eyes meet mine as he tries hard not to burst into
"He's like a grandpa in the body of a young man. Not my definition of
fun," she sighs dramatically. "He doesn't have social media," she points at
me in disappointment, "doesn't watch any current TV shows, and only reads
some weird and boring books. He might as well be playing chess with the
geezers in the park."
"That's why you sent him with me, didn't you? So I could see how
boring he was," she purses her lips in understanding. "I get it. You wanted
me to experience it on my own skin."
Cisco is speechless as he turns to me.
"Boring, is he now," he drawls, amused.
I just shrug, not deigning a reply. Not when little miss crazy is gloating
at me, her lip twitching in satisfaction.

Instead, I merely play her game, taking a few steps towards her and
grabbing her hand. Spreading her palm open, I place a key in the center.
"I don't think I'll need this if I'm so boring then," I add right before I
move past her and her scandalized expression, giving a nod to Cisco and
going upstairs to my own room.
I can barely hold off a chuckle as I hear Noelle trying to find excuses as
to why the key to her room had ended up in my possession.
I have to give her credit at least for her attempt at countering my attack.
Not enough though.
She'll need more than that to beat me at my own game.

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