Chapter 25: Love and War

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As war erupted in the Philippines and China, Lucas's sense of responsibility to his wife and unborn son weighed heavily on his mind. Sofia, now in her seventh month of pregnancy, needed his support and protection more than ever, and Lucas vowed to do whatever it took to keep his family safe in the midst of the chaos unfolding around them.

With news of the escalating conflict reaching them even in Britain, Lucas and Sofia watched with growing concern as tensions between the two nations reached a boiling point.

The bombing of a Filipino fisherman's boat by Chinese forces was a stark reminder of the harsh realities of war, and Lucas felt a sense of urgency to act.

Despite being thousands of miles away from the epicenter of the conflict, Lucas knew that his role as a member of the royal family carried with it a responsibility to uphold the values of peace and diplomacy.

When King Charles ordered the British military to support the Philippines in their time of need, Lucas knew that he had to answer the call to duty, even if it meant being separated from Sofia during her pregnancy.


As Lucas entered the solemn study of Buckingham Palace, he couldn't shake off the sense of apprehension that gripped him. Standing before King Charles, Prince William, and the assembled ministers, he felt the weight of their expectations bearing down upon him.

"Lucas," King Charles began, his voice measured and grave, "we find ourselves in a delicate situation with the conflict escalating in the Philippines. We need someone to represent the British Royals and provide diplomatic support to our allies."

Lucas listened intently, his heart sinking as he realized the gravity of the request being made of him. "Your Majesty, with all due respect," he started, his voice tinged with reluctance, "I have a family to tend to. My wife is expecting our son in a few months, and I cannot leave them behind."

The prime minister, ever the voice of reason, stepped, his expression sympathetic yet firm. "Lucas, I understand your concerns, but the reality is that our options are limited. Your father is occupied with royal duties, and I am doing everything in my power to assist him. If you can't do this, then who will?"

Lucas felt a knot form in his stomach as he grappled with the weight of the Prime Minister's words. He knew that as a member of the royal family, duty and responsibility often took precedence over personal desires. With a heavy heart, he knew what he had to do.

Taking a deep breath, Lucas squared his shoulders and met King Charles's gaze with unwavering resolve. "Your Majesty, I may not like it, but for the country, I will do what is necessary," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering.

And with that, Lucas accepted the daunting task that lay before him, knowing that he was stepping into a role that would test his courage, resilience, and dedication to serving his country.

As he prepared to embark on this new journey, he drew strength from the knowledge that he was doing his part to uphold the values and traditions of the British Royals, even if it meant making sacrifices for the greater good.


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