I was enjoying wasting my time in the park when I received a text that promised to put an end to my little escapade. It was the health insurer, Tory forgot to reception mom's health care and they have no way to contact her. Sighing, I try her phone but it goes straight to voicemail.

Great, guess she's still at Coyote Creek for her karate practice or whatever that bullshit is, and even better she got mom's insurance card which means that I can't go reception it myself.

Guess I'm taking a hike in the woods after all.


Pushing a branch away from my face, I look around for any sign of my sister or any of her friends, I thought I heard voices before but the woods quickly quieted down.

I pause for a moment, catching my breath and shivering in my hoodie, it's pretty chilly in here.

Right when I'm about to start calling Tory's name, the sound of crushing leaves makes me turn back to find a boy with a red headband standing behind me.

He was tall, black-haired, and had Asiatic traits. He eyes me for a moment then frowns. «You're not one of us.»

«one of what?» I frown.

He smirks. «I don't know who you are but you are on our territory.»

«heu... Your Territory?? This is a forest man, I'm just looking for-»

«Don't worry Blondie.» He puts his hands up, stepping closer until he's next to me and he puts an arm around my shoulders.«I'm not going to hurt you.»

He tries to pull my hood off but I elbow him in the gut and grab his arm twisting it behind his back before pushing him away. he catches himself from falling to the ground.

«Don't touch me.» my tone is firm and confident, I'm not scared of this dimwit.

«Oh yeah?» he laughs. «Wanna play this game? Well, you didn't choose your opponent sweetheart, I don't have a problem with hitting a girl.»

He swings at me but I block his arm, he tries to kick me with his foot but I block it again. Frustrated, he manages to push me against a tree but right when he comes closer to hit me, I bring my foot up to kick him on the ribs. Hard. And he falls to the ground.

Okay, now I'm pissed.

I walk up to him to finish him off with my boot to the face but a pair of arms wraps around me, pulling me back. Before I can process anything, I'm being turned around and my hood is off my head.

I'm met by a pair of brown eyes staring back at me with the same amount of shock. The boy who's apparently holding me in his arms right now is clearly a Latino, he was a head taller than me, and he had a black headband matching his black hair.

I pushed him away as fast as I could, making him stumble back a little. «What the hell is wrong with all of you?» I snap at him. «You guys never saw a girl before?»

The brunette's eyes widen. «No no no, I was just trying to stop the fight.»

«what fight?» My former aggressor speaks up, reminding us that he's still there. «This bitch hit me.» He spits, clearly pissed.

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