Chapter 30: Sollar

Start from the beginning

The Demonfolk girl looked so fragile.

"I first have to remove the chains from the cell," Ronn stated.

Grabbing the group of chains that were attached to the restraints, the Hero yanked on them. Almost effortlessly, the chain separated from the brick walls in a miniature explosion of shattered brick and dust.

Lord Luth glanced over at the holes in the wall, where the chains once held. He blinked a few times, before rubbing the brick dust out of his eyes. Or tears. He couldn't tell at this point.

Ronn then turned to look over at the Healer.

"Junil. Tell me the location of the medical institution you attend."

"...The medical institution?" she asked, after a moment's pause. "We're treating her there?"

"There are no other places in the Capital that specialize in Demonfolk treatment," Ronn replied. "Hurry, I will carry her there."

"Wait, wait!" Lord Luth exclaimed. He stood up as quickly as the Hero did. "She's my sister, I should be carrying her!"

"You are still weak," Ronn replied. "And, considering that the riots are being subdued, it would likely be easier for me to carry Sollar to a medical institute than it would for you to walk around."

Luth grit his teeth. "Fine. But I'm still coming with you, because I don't trust you!"

"You should not be leaving this cell."

"I will," the Demon Lord replied. "Because I need to accompany Sollar. As her older brother."

"You do not plan to make this process troublesome, I hope?"

"Well, I'll promise to not attack you, at least. But I'm coming with you, whether you want me to or not."

The Demon Lord then looked over to his two Generals.

"I can also order them both to stand down."

Both General Forge and General Seis blinked, almost forgetting that they had been spectating the entire event. They had grown engrossed in the interaction between the Hero and the Demon Lord.

"We... we already are," General Forge replied. "My Lord, what are you doing?"

"Ensuring my sister is safe. Don't tell me that you're thinking this is the perfect opportunity to do something..."

"It is," General Seis admitted. "But your priorities lay elsewhere. We'll stand down the Demonfolk."

General Forge waved his hand down, to ensure that the rest of the Demonfolk wouldn't do anything rash. They all obliged, lowering their makeshift weapons and tools.

Meanwhile, the Hero had picked up Sollar as gingerly as he could, as though she were made of ash. He stepped out of the cell and looked down at the group of Demonfolk who were crowded in the hallway.

"Make room," General Forge commanded.

The Demonfolk men and women moved to the side, to allow a path that the Hero could walk through. He took large but steady steps forward, ensuring that he didn't jostle Sollar too much.

Junil trailed him, as the Demon Lord walked alongside the Hero.

"I wish to know," Ronn asked. "How many times has she gone manic?"

Lord Luth frowned. "Going 'Manic'? Why are you asking?"

"I recall something Miss Junil had told me," the Hero continued. "That it might be harmful for you to go Manic? I had not considered the possibility until now, after seeing her exhausted state."

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