'Why am I so weak?'


The long dining table was adorning with many delicious, mouth-watering dishes and desserts along with different types of drinks as the maids served them one by one. Satoru glanced at the people present there, looking for the specific person.

'Just what I thought. Ai Souen is not here. Does she also not eat with them?' He thought before averting his gaze at Naoya.

'He came just now. Did he go to meet her before coming here?' A little smirk crept on his lips. His guesses and the informations Haibara found were all correct. The Zenins are definitely here for the same purpose. He cut the steak with the knife before shoving the piece of meat in his mouth. Oh how it will look to see their disappointed, shocked faces!

The sun's warm light painted the surroundings with the hues of golden and ember rays. With the fascinating visual and aroma of various flowers and the calming tone of the birds chirping, the Souen garden looks divine, heavenly beautiful in that time. The fountain along with the sitting arrangement admist the garden were like the apple of everyone's eyes which was made of marble, an oasis of serenity, surrounded by greenery and red roses. It was the place Haru treasures the most, an emblem of Akane's deep love. And it was the only place of the Souen estate where Ai feels relaxed.

The red haired girl stared at the place from her balcony. She wanted to go there to calm her disturbed mind but seeing the guests and her father there she lost the courage and chose to watch from her balcony.

Naobito, Haru and Seitaru along with the other elders were chitchatting among themselves. Naoya was sitting with Airu, secretly glaring at Satoru where the white haired male was lost in the sweet cookies and tea. Ayame was sitting beside him and they were happily talking to each other. The blonde Souen's heart fluttered whenever the young Gojo said something flirty to her, forgetting his usual nonchalant persona. He acts no different with any other women.

Seitaro smiled at his son. He was happy Satoru gave his answer yesterday and he chose Haru's daughter to be his wife. Like Ayame, he is also assuming Satoru will announce his decision officially today and the time comes. The white haired male ate the last bite of the cookie before standing up, clapping his hands to get other's attention.

"Souen-san, I came here today to propose something to you." He remarked, smirking at the Zenin who looked at him in confusion.

"As you know, I am quite straightforward, I will say it simply without beating around the bush."

Haru seemed interested as well as the others. It was obvious. He put the teacup down and nodded.

"I want to build a permanent alliance with the Souens. Therefore, I am asking for your lovely daughter's hand, to become my better-half, the one who will stand by my side as long as I live, till the end." The heir of the Gojo stated, causing a small smile to form in the elder Souen's lips while Ayame blushed.

'What a cheesy line I said!' The blue-eyed male mentally praised himself.

"Of course, I will be pleased to give my daughter's hand to you."

Naobito rubbed his chin before saying,

"Seems like you have to give double invitations, Souen. Both of your daughters are going to be married."

The head of the Souen clan stopped in his tracks. Ai's face flashed before his mind before he averted his gaze at the young Zenin. So the rumors about him and Ai were true then? Naoya was about to say something but Satoru did not let him.

"Now that the news is announced, how about we finish the engagement here?" He brought out a small box from his pocket. Ayame widened her eyes seeing the ring. His name was carved there and the two carat diamond on the gallery of the ring along with the accent stones shone all in their glory, catching the eyes of everyone present there.

"It is a good idea. Let Ayame get--"

"Wait a second. Sorry to burst everyone's fantasy but I did not say it was Ayame-chan."


Ayame was in disbelief while both Haru and Seitaro became confused. Ayame was the epitome of perfection. She was an eligible young lady so everyone assumed it was her. The head of Souen looked at the older Gojo for an answer but Seitaro only shrugged his shoulder. Naobito was enjoying it. He wanted Ayame for Naoya but his stubborn son was adamant to get Ai, not that he mind. All  he want was extra power which he can get by letting his son marry one of Haru's daughters.

"Do not make suspense then, Gojo." The older man remarked.

"Well, let me tell you the reason first. Actually, Ayame and Naoya are in a secret relationship." Satoru declared, causing a clamour to begin.

"Nonsense!" Naoya got up from his seat, eyes filled with rage. The Gojo is ruining his plan.

"Why do you look so angry? I am making a way for you, Naoya. You do not have to hide it anymore. After all, you, Ayame and Airu, we all are childhood friends." Satoru said it with so much affection in his tone. Suguru is going to laugh until he choke when he will hear it.

"Why you--" Naoya stopped himself from lashing out when Airu gestured with his eyes. The good act he created in front of Haru to impress him will blow up if he shows any reckless behaviour now. Satoru then turned to Haru who's stoic eyes bore into him.

"Honestly, I wanted Aayme at first but I got to know that they are in love from long ago, Souen-san. They are afraid to tell you thinking you will not accept them but I do not think you are disappointed. And why will I want a girl who already is in love with another man? After all love cannot be forced, am I right?"

"Do you have any proof?" Airu asked. He did not want to join as he preferred to stay away and watch the show in silence but there was more fun in adding fuel to the flame.

"Do you think I am a reckless person, Airu?" The young Gojo smirked and looked at Ayame.

"Besides, there is a rumor that Noaya and Ayame's older sister are together. It is nothing but a blindfold to hide their relationship. And about the proofs, it is a  private matter between us so I will send them personally to Souen-san."

The blonde girl clenched the fabric of her dress in her fists, nothing came out from her mouth. Cause it was the truth. She did not tell Naoya about Satoru's talk with her nor did she take any step to break up with the Zenin. Now because of her foolish decision she fell in the trap. The Gojo was exposing her. She cannot even deny the fact when Naoya is here right in front of her. She gulped as Haru approached her before he put his hand on her head, causing her to look at him in surprise.

"You did not have to hide it from me, Ayame. I am disappointed that it came out like this but I am glad you found someone as eligible as Naoya."

"Thank you, Oto-san."

He then called Noaya by gesturing with his hand. When the Zenin came to him, he held his hand and put Ayame's hand in his.

"Right now and here, I am gald to announce the bethrothal of my daughter, Ayame Souen to Naoya Zenin."

The elders present there congratulated the couple, wishing them good luck. Meanwhile, Seitaro was lost in his thoughts.

"Satoru, if it is not Ayame then whom did you choose?"

Naoya felt uneasy. Something was not right.

'Do not tell me it is what I am thinking.'

Satoru's sly smirk broadened. He faced Haru before dropping the bomb.

"Souen-san, the one who is fitted to be my wife is none other than your eldest daughter."

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