Black room/meeting curly hair

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This'll be a longer one. :) also this may not be exactly the way it went cuz my memory sucks but it'll still have the same plot 

**Y/n's pov**

"Guys...? Where are we?" I ask. 

"I don't know. But I can barely see." Luke says. 

Reggie starts walking toward the black parts to see if it ends. 

"Reg?" I ask once he disappears. 

He comes back in through the other side. "How'd I get here?" 

"I don't know." I shrug. 

"..Guys.. I think we're dead." Luke says. I realized he's right. Apparently so did Alex cuz he bursts into tears. 

Luke slowly walks towards me and Reggie. "I think I'll stay here." He says. 

I roll my eyes and walk toward Alex, hugging him tightly. 

After about an hour we were all sitting against the wall. 

Alex was still crying, Luke was freaking out because he didn't get to go out with a bang, I was whining cuz I didn't even like hot dogs but I was killed by them, and Reggie was ranting on about how he wants pizza. 

"Guys I hate this..." I whine. Suddenly we fall through the floor. We all scream. 

**3rd person pov**

The four then hit the floor and two girls begin screaming. (I added another girl cuz I wanted to. Plus I have an idea)

"Woah." Luke says admiring the garage before all four see the two girls and scream as well. 

"Who are you?!" One girl asks. (More like yelled.. -Y/n) 

"I'm Y/n, this is Alex, that's Luke and Reggie is over there." Y/n says calmly, pointing to everyone when she says their names. 

Luke runs over and jumps onto the couch. "My couch!" 

He looks back at the guitar. "Ok that's not my six string..." 

"That's cuz it's mine." The other one says. 

Y/n looks at her. 

"So who are you two and why are you in my garage?" She asks. 

"I'm Holland, that's Julie." 

"And It's my mom's studio." 

Y/n looks at Julie confused. "No..It's MY garage. I've lived here since I was 5." 

"Well I've lived here my whole life so..." 

Holland butts in. "Look you two can keep arguing about who's garage this is or we can get some answers." 

Julie nods. "She's right. Why are you here?" 

Reggie speaks up. "Well you see, we ate some terrible hot dogs and died. Then we went to this black room where Alex cried." 

"Well, I mean, I think we were all pretty upset." Alex said. 

Luke ignores him. "But that was just an hour ago." 

Y/n then speaks. "Yeah. Though it unfortunate we died before the band got to play." 

Holland speaks. "Wait, you guys are in a band?" 

Reggie and y/n take turns speaking. "Yep. It's called" "sunset curve" "tell your friends." 

Reggie winks at Holland, making her giggle. Y/n then glares at her.

Julie pulls out a box. 

"What's that?" Luke asks. 

"It's my phone." 

Y/n furrows her brows. "'s flat." 

Holland looks at her. "Well duh. 

Y/n glares at her once more. "Don't use that tone with me." 

"What are you my mother?" 

"No but with that attitude I feel bad for the woman who is." 

The two glare at each other before hearing the other four's conversation. 

"I'm googling sunset swerve." 

"Sunset curve!" The band corrects. 

"That's weird..." Holland says after looking over Julie's shoulder. 


"You did die. But not today. 25 years ago." 

"Wait wait wait, I've been crying for 25 years?! How is that possible?!" Alex asks. 

"Well you're a very emotional person." Reggie says. 

"I am not!" 


"Look this may have been your home before but it's not anymore. Try somewhere else. I hear Pasadena is nice." 

The pair of life-ers leave. 

"They seem nice." Reggie says. 

"Did you miss the part where they kicked us out or..." Alex asks. 

Before the three of them knew it, Luke was gone. 

"Uh guys? Where is Luke?" Y/n asks. 

"Probably doing something stupid." Alex says before the other three poof out in time to hear, "my mom died" 

"Oh I'm so sorry." Alex says. 

"I know what it's like to lose a parent." Y/n says. 

"Thanks." Julie says. Holland glares at y/n once again. (Yeah she hates me. Hate her too -Y/n) 

"Look, if you guys wanna stay in my garage you can. The couch turns into a bed and there is a shower and bathroom if you guys can still use that stuff." 

"Dibs on the shower!" Reggie yells. Everyone looks at him weird.  

"I just really like showers. Sometimes the occasional bath." 

"Me too!" Holland says giggling. 

"Oh shut up already." Y/n says. 

"Woah, what's up with you?" Alex asks her. 

She just poofs into the garage. 

"So rude." Holland says. 

"Hey, she has her reasons so let's not say that." Reggie says before the pair of life-ers walk up the stairs and the other three ghost poof into the garage as well. 

Y/n was sitting in the couch with her arms crossed. 

"Let's let her cool off." Luke says, poofing out. Alex does as well. 

"Y/n, you good?.." Reggie asks, concerned. 

"Mhm." Y/n nods rather angrily. 

Reggie then poofs out and y/n goes to sleep. 

I forgot to post this sorry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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